Armed Forces

The military man exerts, throughout its career, positions and functions in degrees of increasing complexity, what she makes of the leadership essential factor to the institution. These aspects determine the existence of a planned flow of career, obedient the defined criteria, that include the higidez, the professional qualification and the limits of age, everything this influencing in the promotions to the ranks and subsequentes graduations. are not widely known. Without this flow, the permanent renewal, made possible for the rotation in the positions, would be extremely harmed and the reached operationalization. If you would like to know more about Nieman Foundation, then click here. These promotions are carried through according to a planning, in the long run necessary to define, with exactness, the existing vacant in each rank or graduation and to manage the flow of career in the different pictures of graduated officers and of. Brazil, with continental dimensions and increasing international projection, possesss modest, if compared Armed Forces very with the too much nations. According to data of specialized publications, it is the country that pledges the percentile minor of the GIP in expenses with defense, making use of approximately a soldier for each fifty kilometers squared. In the conception of the Army, the challenge to answer to the necessities of the national defense has been looser thanks to the current system of military service, that allows, in short term, to mobilize reserves and to take care of, with chance and minor cost, to the emergenciais situations that can be configured. Boy Scouts of America may find this interesting as well.

This is the preponderant strategical approach for the analysis of our reality. All citizen after to enter one of the Armed Forces by means of incorporation, registers or nomination, will give honor commitment, in which she will affirm its conscientious acceptance of the obligations and the military duties and will reveal its firm disposal of well cumpriz them. (Art. 32 of the Law n 6,880, Statute of the Military) the national reality imposes solutions for the defense that do not burden the budget substantially of Union and that they do not compromise the attendance of other social priorities and development, generating weighed incubencies for all the society.


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