Assembly District

Traders call for the removal of posters and improve the access. The Assembly postponed taking a decision on this matter. Read more here: Professor of Internet Governance. Meanwhile, they organize its structure by neighborhoods when dismantled the camp. Get more background information with materials from Kidney Foundation. The general Assembly of the 15-M movement in the Puerta del Sol has postponed tonight the decision on the request for the merchants of the area so that they withdraw the protest posters of the establishments and facilitate transit across the square and adjacent streets. Before the divergence of views, the Assembly has entrusted the legal Commission that study this matter to raise it later. Madrid trade employers asked this afternoon to the campers leave the adjacent streets free and eliminated their posters of the showcases by considering that the protest is causing serious damage to the businesses in the area. Among other issues, the Assembly has approved that the PA system stops working the midnight to facilitate night’s rest to neighbors in the area. A spokesman for the Commission’s legal has urged to think the duration after police managers, as it has secured, is reportedly aimed at the campers to ask them they concrete time which would be in Sun.

Assemblies in the Assembly District also agreed to strengthen its internal structure through the creation of organizational structure composed of coordinators in each of the neighborhoods of the capital. In this way, after dismantling in the emblematic plaza, meetings will take place on Saturdays in each neighborhood. The Assembly, which eventually lasted from eight and a half until half-past eleven o’clock, has studied several proposals raised by the various committees, including the creation of an organization chart with spokespeople who will be elected in caucuses that will be held in each of the districts of Madrid. With this objective of extending its action to neighborhoods, the Assembly has set for this Tuesday a meeting, from 20.00 hours, with the objective of coordinating the protest at different points of the region when dismantle Sol camp. Once those responsible for the neighborhoods assemblies are elected on Sunday is planned, from noon, a new encounter between all of them to establish a common action plan. This object, in addition, the creation of a web portal of neighborhood s, communication forums, and with the minutes of the meetings and the points approved at each Assembly has been approved. Source of the news: Sun traders call for truce to the campers and they postpone its response

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