Bank Years

The percentage the House bank customer under 50 percent is at some banks. As a result, the Bank is also no longer first choice for product accounts. So just 33 per cent of customers for a new checking account automatically go to their local bank. So is also increase competition of among the banks. Center For Responsible Lending pursues this goal as well. The slightly rising disposable income and the uncertainty of future developments, which will manifest itself in a reinforced private old-age provision, will provide new record values in private saving. So, around 195 billion euros could be saved new year 2013. The private financial assets will benefit and could rise up to the year 2013 to over 155 billion euros annually.

So, the financial assets of private households will continue to increase and in 2013 then amount to a total of 5.5 trillion euros. This is an increase of more than 610 billion or 11.2 percent compared to the end of 2010. There remains hope that the roller coaster rides on the international capital markets will be coming to an end. The risk aversion of private investors is huge – especially as the risk-averse investor was quite successful in the past 20 years, and taking risks against the capital market theory was paid rarely last. According to the results of the almost three quarters of all respondents for the next few years expected annual growth in private new investment in the area between 3 and 7 per cent per annum bbw decision makers survey in financial services companies.

According to experts, very much will change in regard to the sales situation. The fastest-growing financial services provider will be above all the investment funds and direct banks in the next few years according to the interviewed experts from financial institutions. But the experts certify also the life insurance still good opportunities. Because the plants are always uncertain and opaque, rosy times are predicted also the asset management. For more information about the study of bbw marketing Dr. Vossen & partners can be found in the network under. Dr. Valentine

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