
But it seems that it had a decline of the valuation of the public life as space of the action and consequently of the life politics as a whole. Following the trend of the Frenchmen, master in the art of being happy between the small things, inside of the space of its four walls, between the closet and the bed, the table and chair, the dog and the cat and vase of flowers, dedicating these things a care and a ternura that, in a world where fast industrialization constantly destroys the things of yesterday producing objects of today, can until seeming I finish purely it human of the world. It is in this aspect that I make the comparison of the thought of Arendt with Koyr, therefore this sample that we jump of a closed world, that in my analogy corresponds to the private one, for an infinite universe, that in my analogy, that exactly unhappy, it corresponds to the public. The private sphere was the restricted one, what it said respect only to the family head, was a closed world, the public one was place of expansion, the new, the improbable one, the surprising one as an infinite universe. The public sphere is the space of the largeness and for being incapable to shelter what it is irrelevant, but that the individuals had started to consider important it had one refluxo of lives deeply in public for the candy privacy of the home. Augustin has guilt in this. It, as Arendt were that considered that the community of brothers in Christ had its life based on the charity and living in species of apolitia, when anti politia.

Character not public and non-political was well early defined in condition of that corpus would have to form, whose members would have between itself the relation that has the members of one same family, (…) never had enter the members of one same family something who if was similar to a public sphere, therefore were improbable that it came to exist between this. As for the Christians the world it will not last, then it does not have reason to be worried about it, to debate on it, because the world does not have to be constructed thinking only about the ones that are livings creature, but those that will come. The Christians had the certainty of that they were not of this dumb, then because to be worried about it. In the present time the individuals had abandoned the squares, the debates and if they had closed in the recondite one of its houses, is where if proteges feel, far from curious looks, if they feel carried through.


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