Eugen Bismarck

'Bismarck' opened fire on the 'Hoodoo'. Immediately after the first salvo of the German battleship, the 'Hoodoo' opened fire and 'Prinz Eugen'. Before it reached the enemy's shells fell into the sea. After that, the commander of mine and torpedo armament of German heavy cruiser was given orders: prepare to volley torpedo on the port side and opened fire on the battle cruiser "Hood" when the distance of a torpedo attack. 'The Prince of Wales' had already made five volleys of 'Bismarck', but did not hit on him. It is unknown whether he came sixth in one gulp, but the British did not record a hit. At this time, 'Bismarck' return fire striking 'Hood' shells hit the area of the mainmast. The British battle cruiser began a terrible fire reached second chimney.

But the German battleship was damaged: the fuel tank was pierced through overflying shell, and began leaking fuel. At the same time the order was given: 'Prinz Eugen' move fire on the 'Prince of Wales', and support the guns 'Bismarck' to support the fire of the heavy cruiser. 06:00 'Hood' and 'Prince of Wales' went on to turn 20 degrees to enter into combat turret guns of the main fire. At this point, shells fifth salvo 'Bismarck' was covered by a direct hit unfolding 'Hood'. One projectile caliber 380 mm punched through three layers of armor protection of the British battle cruiser. Detonated ammunition on board, and the 'Hood' flew into the air, dying in an instant, almost the entire crew.

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