Net Globe

(BONNER, pp.22) Ahead of this, we can reflect if, over all, for they estruturabem mounted of the Net Globe that possesss reporters subordinated to departamentosde journalism of the local senders, are of the Globe or filiadas. Therefore, one becomes possible to think the foundations that constitute this periodical, dandopossibilidades of it to enter in air. when it enters, will show its notice quepassaram for filters and elections of the innumerable meetings of guideline that sorealizadas. Of this form, Bonner works in order to execute the functions dojornalismo for the society, a time that, according to its suasfunes, point of view is ‘ ‘ and that the citizens have instrumentospara to exert its rights fully. (BONNER, pp.96) After these brief constataes of the form that Bonner avaliasua execution of presentation of telejornalismo, as well as its social functions, we will direct in them to some writings of Pierre Bordieu, in order compreenderalguns mechanisms that they can operate, without as much evidence, in the journalistic field, with intention to perceive the complexity that involves a telejornal that assistido for thousand of Brazilians. Although Bordieu is guided imprensa French, we will evidence that some elements are verified in the casobrasileiro.

According to Bordieu, ‘ ‘ the special journalists have eyeglasses to apartir of which they see certain things and not others, and see in certain way ascoisas that they see. They operate an election and a construction of what selecionado’ ‘ it appears in the somewhat desensacional and spectacular television that invites the dramatizao. In this direction, for osocilogo, the journalists if interest for bonanza, that is, what rompecom the ordinary for what she is attributed by them. Therefore, he is common in this half aperseguio for the puncture that will result the same in all searching queacarreta objective, on the contrary of the originalidade and singularity, in the uniformizao ebanalizao. Pierre Bordieu works with idea that the world would jornalismocorresponderia of it to a microcosm that has proper laws defined by the position deseu vehicle in the global world.


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