Olympic Games

To obtain that the structures and the construction equipments were lighter meant to diminish the tension of the work of the transport, to reduce to the consumptions and the cost of the construction and of being brief its terms. The specialists they considered, that the rationalization of the structure and the improvement of the quality of the construction equipments could diminish their weight in 25-30%. It was a complicated company, to consider the natural particularitities of each region at the time of constructing. In addition, it was necessary not to lose of view the demographic situation (in the republics of the Baltic Sea, a family with two children considered itself numerous, whereas in Central Asia, of little prole) and a limitless diversity of national traditions. L.I.

Brzhnev said in XXVI the Congress of the Party: Huelga to explain the importance of which everything what it surrounds to us takes the stamp of the beauty, of the good pleasure. The facilities constructed for the Olympic Games and some residential districts of Moscow, the Rep them revived of the past and the modern architectonic sets of Leningrad, the new buildings of Soul, Vilnius, Navoi and other cities are our pride. Nevertheless, urbanism as a whole must more expressive and be varied in the artistic plane. So that not the happened thing to the protagonist of a film repeats, that, when seeing by irony of the destiny in another city, could not distinguish that it was in a house and an apartment that were not theirs. The comfort, the reasonable saving and the beauty, were three principles very indissolubly united of the architecture and the construction. Unlike that one time at present some inhabitants of the Russia of today have the possibility of buying new apartments, which must to the best ideas of businesses than they have designed and mounted.


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