
Orthopedic shoes have features that distinguish it from a common footwear. Among them we can enumerate the following: the vast majority of models is type borcegui (boot) with the purpose of giving greater protection to the ankle of the child. Its wide hormah allows better receive a template for flat foot, or indications of shims, virones, buttons, etc. They include heel of thomas, which prevents the inner part of the foot to sink with use, weight and in your case with the defect in valgus. The leather sole lets you receive arrays Pedorthic indicated by the physician as medial wedges, they can be external or internal corrido viron, elevations etc. Some orthopedic models include soft support for flat feet arch.

Here we list some of the concepts of Orthopedics that can be corrected in time with the indication of orthopaedic footwear and their variables. FOOT VARUS: foot in that heel look inward and is directed inward foot VALGUS: foot in which the heel looks out and goes out foot TALO: foot fixed in Flex the ankle dorsal (with the heel only supports). EQUINE foot: Fixed in Flex the ankle plantar foot (with the forefoot only supports). CLUBFOOT: Is every foot that is not resting on the ground above its normal props; but when we talk about foot Zambo, generally we are referring to the Equino-Varus-Adducto and Supination. These deformities occur, in most cases, combined, and thus there are: feet Talo-Valgos, equine-Varos, etc. FOOT SUPINATION: The sole of the foot looks inward PRONATED foot: the sole of the foot looks out foot ADDUCTO: forefoot deviates inward foot ABDUCTO: forefoot deviates outward flat foot: heel of the foot looks outwards (valgus) plant causing a collapse of the arch and forefoot tends to look inward (Supination) more information at


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