Prevention Of Sore Throat

Respiratory diseases – infections that are characterized by lesions of the mucous membranes of the airways and transmitted mainly by droplet infection. The main symptoms of respiratory disease include cough, runny nose. Sore throat, hoarseness, shortness of breath. Usually these symptoms are preceded by a cold-state arising after exposure to cold, which is characterized by reduced body resistance and the emergence of vulnerability to various forms of respiratory infections, including pneumonia, sinusitis, tonsillitis. Prevention throat In order to prevent the common cold should be avoided where possible contact with patients people. In most infants in need of protection under one year old, because they are least able to carry the disease. Autumn chill is directly connected with the reduction of moisture in heated buildings, it should be around 45%. Experimentally proved that the low temperature, severe weather, dampness and cold, have little effect on susceptibility to colds.

A more important fact may be a sudden change temperatures. Of the preventive measures recommended by the frequent airing of the premises, avoiding hypothermia, drafts, inclusion in the diet of fresh fruits and vegetables. Useful lubrication nasal ointment oxolinic and gargling disinfectant. You can rinse the nasal cavity twice a day with soap and water. At the same time mechanically removed not only the mucus, dust and viruses trapped in the nasal cavity from the inhaled air. If you Still sick, you can use these tools: 1. Blackcurrant liqueur – this is an excellent diaphoretic and febrifuge.

For its preparation to pour 3 tbsp. of buds and leaves (1:2) 1 liter of boiling water, insist 2 hours, strain. Take the form of heat, 100 – 150 ml 3 times a day. 2. Tincture of clover – febrifuge. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of flowers to one cup of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes. Take one tablespoon of 5 times a day. But the best prevention against colds and has always been hardening!

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