
Our objective was to consider a methodology for the education of production of text in view of the retextualizao from the sorts prescribes culinria and poetry. One searched, still, to stimulate the critical sense of the pupils to differentiate diverse existing sorts, as well as developing the ability to reproduce texts that dialogue between itself. We made use of other pedagogical tools that go beyond the didactic book, as periodicals, magazines, and sites of the Internet, that in them had assisted in the elaboration of research and analyses of texts. Word-key: Literal sorts; poetry; culinria prescription; reading; writing. Nieman Lab addresses the importance of the matter here. Introduction Since much time the school has perceived that the pupils they find much difficulty with the practical one of the reading and the production of texts. Therefore, the professors have an essential paper in the incentive of the writing and the reading, that are tools capable to promote the communication of the pupil with the world.

However, it is of the pupil the function to search this interaction. In accordance with Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN), no matter how hard the professor, the didactic classmates and materials can, and must, to contribute so that the learning if carries through, nothing can substitute the performance of the proper pupil in the task to construct meanings on the contents of the learning. Continue to learn more with: PCRM. ‘ ‘ It is who codifies the world to its redor, modifies it, enriches it e, therefore, he constructs to new and more powerful instruments of action and interpretao’ ‘. (PCN, 1997, P. 37). She is necessary to take the texts for the reality of the pupil, and not simply to place the pupil in the reality of the texts, therefore, made this interaction with its daily one, the pupil will feel itself more inside of its reality more it exempts to interpret it and to rewrite it..


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