
The letramento is a process continues, that for signal it is not only about decoding of letters, sounds, signals, and yes of that to be always in movement and happens throughout the life. The reading and the writing were a discutio point as cause of the failure pertaining to school, everything this can happen due to difficulty and the lack of resources and the theoretical formation of the professors faced for the public school, this affects in the process of alfabetizao in the guarantee of the development of the abilities necessary to form a good reader. Therefore, to guarantee the success of the pupils in the acquisition of the reading and the writing in the initial series of the education in the field the practical quarrel of the pedagogical one of the professors in the exercise of the planning was necessary, inside registers and evaluation of the respect the joined diversities and the individual identity. It was observed that for promotion of a quality education is necessary the attendance personalized for such pupils, therefore the rooms are multisseriadas and in many of the times its necessities were not taken care of due to supercapacity of the rooms, therefore one of the goals was to the action of the planning made for the professors of collective and individual form. Another interesting study made during the period of the work with the professors and pupils it was the study of psicognese of the written language, that since the decade of 80 is come close arguing written that according to PCNs (BRAZIL, 1996, p.21), these works had helped to understand important aspects of the learning of the reading and the writing.


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