Relevant State

As soon as the public body is becoming more complex, direct, revolutionary opposition from the unorganized social forces becomes less and less feasible "24. This position has repeatedly confirmed vivid examples from the history of our country. Described a situation similar to the period of the spread among the intelligentsia and the peasants 19 th century "liberal ideas" when, according to vp Alekseeva, "crush all and save yourself at all costs – became the sole task of the government. Let the people go bankrupt, kosneet in ignorance, tupeet, even die, if only to remain whole monarchy, and has remained opportunity for the ruling class to live on people's expense "25. However, legal mechanisms for non-violent change of power in exchange objectionable is not offered. This reflects the essence of law as an exclusively the state a tool to influence people. On the right of the state forces, as Pushkin wrote sarcastically ("moralizing stanzas"): "Know, Serene lion, confusion guilt – Rec elephant – in people riot! overall noise and a clique! "" humbled himself, – the lion said – but mane I Shake! "The danger is not terrible for a powerful ruler.

And finally, sixth, the state – is the only organization which itself tolerated the use of violence on the basis of law. In this case, the use of violence – the main distinguishing feature of the implementation of government decisions. That state holds a monopoly discretion to punish or pardon for any questions of public life. This is a function of state coercion to legitimate (ie, the relevant law and no more) behavior.


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