Social Assistant Treatment

it was verified through visits comments some problematic ones, however the intervention proposal has as objective to focar the question of ' ' family in its process of whitewashing and the groups of support (friends, users) ' ' , therefore the proposal therapeutical of the ad CAPS – she aims at to reduce the consumption of the alcohol and other psychoactive substances in its daily one, stops later abstaining from it, thus needing a bigger bond the family and other coadjuvantes support (using, friends) in its treatment. The project has as main goal, to contribute with this difficulty of familiar integration (main), in the therapeutical treatment of the user in the ad CAPS spring. General objective: To contribute for one better understanding of the familiar and group importance in the Specific Objective treatment of the user: Focar that the recovery context is favored by a set of contextual supports as family, groups and nets of friends; To show the importance of each individual in the work in group; To carry through a workshop of interpersonal relations with a group of users; To provide a bigger reflection between all. White public? Familiar users and of the ad CAPS spring Justification of the Intervention: The relevance of the related subject, consists of the perception of that the familiar and group net (friends, users) is efficient a therapeutical support in the treatment of the user, and that exactly those that do not possess family, need the participation of other individuals as coadjuvante of incentive in its treatment as: friends and users. Also understanding that the families describe – as consumed with the pathology of the patient. Soon, the intervention will be carried through with a group of users, where we will try the Social Assistant together with, to congregate some integrant ones of the families of these users. Since biweekly it is carried through a familiar meeting, co-ordinated for the Social Assistant, where they are argued daily the familiar one of the user and its possible fallen again. .


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