Posts Tagged ‘economy’

Internet Discountings

Tuesday, August 30th, 2022

TIPS Welinton Dos Santos is economist With 13 Wage appears some chances, since placing accounts in day until purchases with discountings or same it plans to travel, here some tips go to increase its income and to have economy. One remembers that it has the planning necessity, therefore, places in the paper everything that it desires in fact to acquire in the year end, to prevent unnecessary expenses and to blow up the budget. 1) For who this has debts is the moment to renegotiate them, part discountings, mainly for old accounts, cries, cries, after to receive the last value, does not close the transaction, says that it goes to think and it makes against proposal with value that fits in its budget. If to opt to well-taken care of parcelamento with the accounts of beginning of year. > 2) To that they do not have debts, exists some suggestions, as: to keep a part for the extra expenses of January, where it has the accumulation of IPVA, IPTU, pertaining to school material, other diverse taxes, collect the classroom entities, amongst others, therefore, to reserve part of the resources to prevent the burst in the budget in the first trimester is advisable.

3) To anticipate purchases of year end, searching and requesting discountings in all the products that are not perishable, in the case of purchases of furniture, utensils, equipment, household-electric, others, remembering the famous research of prices and important to request discountings, to catch some pamphlets, to compare prices between competitors, also to search in the Internet and to opt to optimum value, in the best financial condition, remembers that products in some payments without interests, always have discountings at sight. It also verifies exists price difference stops payments with debit card or the money, thus will be able to save a little more. 4) To plan a trip, how much before it will be made aerial reserves of hotels and tickets, greater will be the discounting, therefore it is programmed and it makes its money to relieve more. 5) To invest in training in this period is interesting, therefore, with the reduction of the search for courses in the year end has the possibility to negotiate better taxes, exactly that it makes the course in elapsing of the next year, obtaining good discounting. 6) not to forget them parties year end, the suggestion is anticipatedly to buy some gifts, dry fruits, drinks and etc. 7) With the easiness of the credit is possible to acquire that machine of dreams and to start its business, but remember that it is necessary disciplines, knowledge of market and much force of will to initiate a new activity, many times, parallel to the work that already it executes at this moment to get information of agencies as the SEBRAE is very important. It looks for to always have patience in the hour to buy. Good purchases!

Society and Foundations

Monday, December 23rd, 2019

The society is compared with a building in which the foundations, the infrastructure, would be represented by the economic forces, while the building in itself, the superstructure, would represent the ideas, customs, institutions (politics, religious, legal, etc). By the way, Marx> the social relations are entirely linked to the productive forces. Acquiring new productive forces, the men modify its way of production, the way to gain the life, modify all the social relations. The mill the arm will give the society to you with the suserano; the mill the vapor, the society with the industrial capitalism . Such afrimao, defending rigorous economic determinismo in all the societies human beings, was established by the Marx and Engels inside of the permanent climate of controversy who had kept with its opponents, and attenuated with the afimativa of that constant interaction exists and interdependence between the two levels that the social structure composes: in the same way for which the infrastructure acts on the superstructure, on the consequences of this, even so, in last instance, they are the economic factors the finally determinative conditions. > is the force of capital production, the social forms and interchange is the real bedding that the philosophers had represented as substance . What more critical Marx is the question of as to understand what is the man.

Conscience is not to have (to be rational), nor neither to be an animal politician, who confers to the man its singularity, but to be capable to produce its conditions of existence, material how much in such a way ideal, that differentiates the man . The essence of the man is not to have essence, the essence of the man is something that proper it constructs, that is, history. SPECULATION is the connection between the social structure and politics and the production of empirical form and without speculation .

SPC Exchange

Thursday, October 18th, 2018

When analyzing the used strategies of protection, are evident that the positions nor always are very clear and that the estimates for the projects generally contain unreal conclusions in relation to the exchange exposition. Looks at the graph of a project of long stated period and there alone it is the traditional vision, that is, exportation and direct importation, but part of the prescription in the truth is in indexados Reals to the dollar and the equipment was only in part national, then the exchange risk was very superior to the esteem one and the new dumb graph radically, explains the professor. The identification of the size of the risk involves a series of difficulties that place the companies in fragility situation. Among others aspects, point only registered expositions already in the rocking, but not contingent them, as the imported equipment substitution inside of six months. Moreover, it has the competitive risks of the products, the arrival of new international competitors and a series of other 0 variable of market.

, explains Fraletti.Para the specialist, is essential that the pension funds stimulate this change of culture. As shareholding assets, the pension funds would have to pressure to develop this culture. They have to be able and size to exert pressure; the SPC demands that the foundations measure its VR, and them they would have to demand the same of the companies in which they apply its resources in significant way. A recent example was the crisis lived in 2002 for the sectors of telecommunications and of energy, that had lost much money due to the exchange oscillations, dragging I obtain good part of the profits of its shareholders. Was a typical case of hedge badly structuralized, coming back to the adivinhao of taxes. The old excuse of that the market is thus same, of that c est there vie, of that all had lost because of moved in the exchange, etc, is unacceptable.

Brazilian Consumer

Sunday, February 25th, 2018

Others use its action socioambientais as I appeal promocional sales, as it is the case of the Cocaine Glue, that keeps an institute and chooses one week to invoice divulging that the resources will be destined so that the company invests in the projects that apia. One has left divulges its performance with requinte and in all the ways of mass for, what it seems, to hide of the society improprieties in the businesses, as diesel of sulphur is the example of Petrobra’s with full its that is vendido in the country without respect to the laws, the citizens and the environment, and with its obtusos criteria to choose beneficiaries of its investments in areas classified as of responsibility. As it warns Anna sociologist Peliano Maria, RSE is more than social action, therefore she is on to the ethical and transparent attitude of the company with its diverse public. Money does not only decide, as well as the State cannot repass its obligations for the private initiative. FilantrpicAs demagogy companies acts, essentially, by means of donations (only 3% creates or develops projects), still predominate the performance in the neighborhood (only 15% had declared to act inside of the proper companies or its branch offices and 5% in other cities) and increased eventuality of the attendance (little companies acting habitually, 16% reduction). The filantropia still is bigger the impulse of the enterprise social action, although to have fallen the ratio of companies of the country who carry through social activities for humanitarian reasons (of 76% for 57%). As the bigger reason of the companies continues to be to take care of to the inhabitants of the neighborhoods of the business (38%). The edition 2005 of the research Social Responsibility of the Companies – Perception of the Brazilian Consumer, initiative of the Akatu Institute and the Ethos Institute, pointed one ' ' great chance of differentiation them made use companies to risk its projects of commitment with the social welfare and protection to the environment ' ' , therefore what the consuming wait of the companies is Social Responsibility (88%).

The Profit Of The Banks

Friday, September 4th, 2015

Any person who observes the result of the referring rocking to the last trimester divulged for the private banks Ita and Bradesco, if admires when seeing how much these financial institutions get of profit. The Ita informed a profit of R$ 1,8 billion in the three months passed with an accumulation of 5,9 billion January the September; the Bradesco presented the cipher of R$ 1,9 billion totalizing a balance of 6 billion in the year. In fact an astronomical profit for these institutions that are part of the financial sector, where not being the only one in the country, it would not have to concentrate as much accumulation in this way, being able to exist then certain ' ' distribution of profits, counting that it has other economic activities as industry, commerce and agriculture. But as a bank it obtains to profit in such a way thus? Valley before to remember that Brazil privileges the private companies, mainly the banks, since the times of the FHC administration, that also created a program of recovery of the banks that if found in critical situation, the PROER (Program of Stimulaton to the Reorganization and the Reinforcement of the National Financial System), which the government gave to all the necessary aid they with the justification that the preservation of its functioning was necessary to the economic stability of the country. Interesting it is to see the State to give only helps to a sector of the economy placing it as responsible for the economic health of the country. the other sectors do not represent nothing then for the country? Would not have they the same right to receive aid from the government? At the same time of FHC many banks had been privatized under the allegation to be being a damage to the public coffers and therefore the State would have to be gotten rid of them, beyond that the sales of state-owned companies are part of the programs of government of the tucanas administrations.

The interesting one is that these same banks that as much burdened the State, after to be delivers the banana price to the foreign capital had started to present one high profitability, demonstrating that, or it did not have a good administration of them for the government or its damages were a humbug, used as strategy to justify its sales. Already profits gotten for them mainly come of the collection of taxes the possible account holders of the most varied as maintenance of accounts, transferences, coupon stubs of checks, extract emission, contract renewal, etc. using to advantage itself of that they are using ' ' benefcios' ' offered for the banks as loans or limits of guaranteed check. By the way, it is in these negotiations that the banks gain much money, therefore those that use the credits or of the loans offered for the banks, go to pay high taxes of interests, as the limit of the guaranteed check that arrives to be of 8 15% to the month, while the paid tax for them to an application as the matching-fund saving account is well inferior, being in the house of monthly 0.6%. It is easy to understand then why each time more the banking network, mainly the private one, in Brazil if expands and increases its profits. It has all the conditions that guarantee good results to it.

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