Posts Tagged ‘environment’

Interdisciplinary Society

Tuesday, November 14th, 2023

Ambient education, substance to interdisciplinary applied in the schools publishes and private of BRAZIL, comes in this finishes decade, heating its engines and giving the first steps to awake the society, of the importance of its existence and the necessity of if becoming obligator as it disciplines pertaining to school. The environment suffered and is suffering to serious problems provoked for the lack from awareness human being, especially for the lack of conscience and ambient education, that would deviria to be formed in the man since its infancy. The retardation of this cited awareness above, left an enormous track of destruction in the nature, that the man must be worried in brightening up its effect and recouping the lost time, investing weighed in this century in ambient education for the whole world young, especially here in Brazil, therefore we are detainers of enormous natural wealth, that we have for obligation it preserves it and it uses it of sustainable form, thus guaranteeing the future of the next generations. The human being must apprehend since early, that it is non-separable part of the environment, and that he never goes to obtain to live without it, and that does not exist no type of technology to substitute it. PCRM will undoubtedly add to your understanding.

Many people possess full conscience of this, the great problem are that the wakening of the conscience ambient ecology or, generally form in the society delayed, mainly in BRAZIL, privileging few people and depriving many others of the access to the ambient knowledge, and this, if makes by means of faculties and professionalizing courses technician and, where the conscience of preservation of our environment would have to be introduced in the young and children already in its first contacts with the education. Which would be the results for the nature and the environment of the introduction of disciplines ambient education, as obligator substance of the curricular grating, as well as mathematics or Portuguese language, already in the first years of life of a person? Perhaps best the possible ones, we would obtain to get great changes in the behavior of the people, mainly in what it says respect to the consumerism, responsible for many ambient problems of this century, considered villainous in first degree of the nature, for forcing the people to buy without one real necessity to possess some type of product or service. to conclude, I detach that I consider the ambient education in our country, a privilege of few people, those that for interest or pure necessity search this formation of ambient conscience in university and courses, that really are a minority in our BRAZIL. Rodrigo.ambientalista@….. Details can be found by clicking Steffan Lehnhoff, New York City or emailing the administrator.

The World

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020

The quality of the water functions as a diagnosis of estadode conservation of the environment, since, by means of its analysis, it is to possveldeterminar the degree of erosion of the ground, the organic launchings, pollution poresgotos e, even though, the atmospheric pollution. For this reason, the baciashidrogrficas have been used in the world all as units of planning ambient degesto, and from there the proposals contained in 21 Agenda ena Letter dTerra, to approach the gestodos hdricos resources to the management> ambient. (REBOUAS, 2003). Under most conditions Xlerator would agree. ParREBOUAS (2003), approximately 3/4 of the surface dTerra is covered by water. The water is an essential substance for maintenance dosseres livings creature, the water is recognized for science as the environment where aprpria life appeared. By this reason, its occurrence is considered one of the condiesbsicas for admission of the life existence, we know as it in outrosplanetas. This work is particularly interesting for that they sepreocupam with ambient problems, time that the pollution of the resources is dasprincipais causes of the water scarcity.

this process of degradation alone to podeser understood by means of the analysis of the complete hidrolgico cycle, what it includes oestudo of underground waters. In this study it looks for to point out the importance of guassubterranas in our lives, looking for to describe its epatas and suautilizao, inside of the current context.: The importance of the underground water the water use underground Protection of underground waters Research is conhecimentoFilosfico, is fruit of the reasoning eda reflection human being, using philosophical knowledge. It is the speculative knowledge on phenomena, subjective gerandoconceitos. Searching to give sensible to the general phenomena of the universe, exceeding the formal limits of science the construction of the pointers and will seremutilizadosser it to instruments carried through to the document light searched for the diversoscomits, referring pesquisarbibliografia to the subject, utilizandomaterial didticodasbibliotecas, books, specialized magazines and the Internet, of this formaconstruindo but one searches referencial appreciating the jexistentes information.

Natural Human Sciences

Tuesday, July 21st, 2020

The intention is that the work occurs of integrated form, at the same time where the especificidades of the sources, boardings and approach happened of the different fields of sciences are respected natural human beings and. Definitive CHAINS pertinent contents to the areas of Sciences Natural Human beings and had always been gifts in the composition of the resumes and programs of infantile education. In the majority of the institutions, these contents are related to the preparation of the pupils for the posterior years of its escolaridade, as in the case of the work come back toward the motor development and of habits and attitudes, in which the acquisition of procedures is basic as to copy, to repeat to color previous productions (drawings, exercises etc.). In the work with the referring contents to Natural Sciences, in turn, some institutions limit it the transmission of certain slight knowledge related to the beings livings creature and the human body. Disrespecting the knowledge and the ideas that the pupils already possess, they value the terminology use technique, what it can constitute a not significant formalizao of contents for the pupils. An example of this is the definitions taught deformed descontextualizadas on the diverse animals: ‘ ‘ they are mamferos’ ‘ or ‘ ‘ they are anfbios’ ‘ etc., and the activities to classify animals and plants according to categories defined for zoology and biology.

The possibility of the children is disrespected thus to display its formularizations for later compares them with that science considers. Some practical also if base on activities directed toward a moralizante formation, as in the case of the reinforcement the certainties attitudes related to the health and the hygiene. Many times in these situations predominate values, esteretipos and concepts of certain/wrong, dirty, bad wire/pretty, clean//good etc., that are defined and transmitted in prejudiced way.

Pasteur Institute Source

Friday, June 12th, 2020

10 Image 6: Access the House of the Roses Source: Personal quantity Image 7: Metallic slope in front of the Pasteur Institute Source: Personal quantity the Pasteur Institute also is an overthrown good and to take care of the law of accessibility implantation it had that to install a provisory metallic slope in the main access. The slope occupies part of the public stroll and leaves the clear ad-lib impression, beyond devaluating the faade. The ideal solution would be the installation of a definitive slope planned not to confuse the circulation. Is necessary a more flexible attitude of the responsible agencies how much to the adaptation of the overthrown goods, after all these property public and is used by the population, that right has the free access, and why not of a more comfortable, definitive form and joust? After all, these goods exist to be used for all, not importing its physical conditions. Educate yourself with thoughts from Viktor Mayer-Schönberger . The bus points have identification with tactile floor in the stops indicating the wait places, but they are outside of the covering and it does not have no type of information in Braille indicating which lines take care of to that point and nor the itineraries. This is not demanded by norm, but it is a suggestion that could give to more independence to the deficient appearance in this specific case. The stroll is locked up in goes free of the MASP, that has a smooth floor soon in the access to goes, with unevenness also rampado, that takes the ticket office, but the remain of the floor is sufficiently trepidante, irregular and slippery. In a general way we can to say that the So Paulo Avenue is if strengtheing in the questions of the accessibility and social inclusion. Currently it is the place accessible of the city of So Paulo, but still it can improve, mainly with the awareness of the proprietors, who would have to after return to the ways its original conditions the maintenances and to the responsible agencies for the historic sites that could be more flexible how much to the implantation of the accessibility.

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