Posts Tagged ‘exercise’

Review Norms

Sunday, May 20th, 2012

Free to choose In our daily life, it is necessary to limit the impositions of the fashion, those of the clothes, those of the language, those of the gestures, those of this society of masses says that us that we are all free ones loves but us to all uniforms, uniformed in clothes, ideas, tastes, soda waters, hamburgers, noise. For example I can speak in language filled with modismos and also in modal good language of hall and. Consequently, I can choose. Today seen me as they suggest the great marks to me, but story in my riqusimo wardrobe with articles that the great marks would watch with certain rejection. Consequently, I can choose.

The society imposes limits, norms, prisons. The home must provide alternatives, critical thought, put internal limits to them to the external limits. This it is your work of mother, of father; a work, yes. To help your children to review norms. For it they need your norms. And from them they will be able to contemplate to those of outside, and to choose.

All influence in your children, all say to them what to do, how to move, what to think, where to hang arito, how many sexualities to exert, how to be happy. why do not have to also take part you in his lives? Confronted parents and children are normal It is normal that your son rebels itself against you. It is normal that their ideas with yours do not agree and is normal that you do not understand at all to him and that he does not understand to you when affirms that you think like about the age of stone. All that is normal, because they are different, different beings and of ages different and to include/understand to the other it is often impossible. And he is always going to be thus because although you say the opposite, you are imposing him your life, your education, your ways, your limits. This is normal, cannot be of another way. It is born in your house, it grows in your house, your society and you transmit to him what you have, your language, your moral, your modal ones. That another thing you could transmit to him. When they are small that transmission takes place without democracy, without a congress of by means: the boy is a year old, two years three years and he cannot to discuss to norms and rules. Everything runs by your account. And soon when it grows he will be free to review the norms that received from their parents, to criticize them, to replace them or to modify them. People usually say: – She dresses what rebellious that is the young people today? Good I respond to them: -Rebels? To be rebellious it is necessary to be against to something, to somebody, an idea, a limit, a norm, to rules. The permissive parents do not raise rebellious children, but they produce children who directly ignore their parents and make what others dictate to them, others much more authoritarian: the society, the television, the propaganda, the fashion, the other boys.

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