Posts Tagged ‘government and politics’

The Taking

Friday, July 24th, 2020

In this workmanship they are analyzed the power and the different mechanisms and microstructures of its affirmation, Foucault the power does not exist, existing in surplus a countless number of practical of being able, where the citizen also is one of the main agents in the exercise of this power, but the State goes beyond these practical of control, where the production of truths also passes to be understood as of utmost importance in the process of adestramento and manufacture of the calls ‘ ‘ bodies dceis. The truth idea is elaborated by a maquinrio of the power that works for the State, basing practical of behavior and disciplines. ‘ ‘ The truth is of this world; it is produced in it thanks to multiple coercions and in it she produces effect regulated of poder. The figure of the intellectual front to the taking of decision of the society also is analyzed on the point of view of the author, in if treating to the production of ‘ ‘ verdades’ ‘ that it folloies our evolution historical, such truths are used to alienate and to establish the order of the mass and total obedience to that it withholds the power. Cancer Research Institute helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. ‘ ‘ It seems me that what if must lead in consideration in the intellectual is not, therefore, ‘ ‘ the carrier of values universais’ ‘ ; it is somebody that occupies a specific position, but whose especificidade is on to the general functions of the device of truth in ours sociedades.’ ‘ (P.

13). Hospital order e, over all the psychiatry and its system of internment of invalids widely is argued by Foucault, the analyzed point is the relations of being able that if they originate from practical between doctors and patients. ‘ ‘ As if it can see everything is question of being able: to dominate the power of the insane person, to be able to neutralize them that of it are they can be exerted on them, establish a therapeutical power and of adestramento, ‘ ‘ ortopedia’ ‘..

Social Assistance

Saturday, July 11th, 2020

Second (MENDONA, 2010): ' ' All this effort demonstrates that the society yearns for urgent measures, of short term as form to try to also correct a historical error that finished for not only keeping out of society people with deficiency in the work market, but in sociedade' ' ' ' The companies must improve the estruturao of its social action, aiming at the use of mechanisms that provide a bigger visibility of these practical, being social rocking one of these possible mechanisms, in fulfilment new the proposal of guarantee of property imposed for the Federal Constitution and mercado.' ' As MENDONA (2010) the companies need to rescue the social function, having for bigger objective the promotion of the quality in the relations of the public of the company with practical that the people, the community and the environment, so that thus let us can construct to a society more joust and quality of life it human being, with activity respect more condizente with the social and legal ditames today established in our community. Today with the Law of the Quotas, when a company does not fill what she determines the Law are applied fines to the companies who not to reach the number of employees, these will suffer administrative punishments for not the fulfilling from the vacant. But in this company alone if they contract deficient physicists and the person is not forced to be in the job, it has its choice. MENDONA (2010) concludes: ' ' The correct interpretation of the law imposes the company looks people with deficiency who if fit in its profile, revealing its offers of vacant. However the celebration, in fact, of the employment contract exceeds to the limits of performance of the company, therefore it depends on acceptance of candidatos.' ' 1.1 SOCIAL WELFARE According to documents of the Social welfare of the Brazilian government: Benefit of Continued Installment of the Social Assistance BPC-LOAS to aged and the person with deficiency the Benefit of Continued Installment of the Social Assistance BPC-LOAS, is a benefit of the social, integrant assistance of the Only System of the Social Assistance ITS, paid for the Federal Government, whose the operacionaliizao of the recognition of the right is of the National Institute of the Insurance Social INSS and assured by law, that allows to the people and access aged with deficiency the conditions minims of a worthy life. .

World Therefore

Sunday, February 3rd, 2019

The politicians of the world are making a vindication me the administration and conduction of the planet, this is serious. The governing system is unchaining a bad wave of values where the money is placed as main and the methods of the media make the great mass to believe that it purchase everything until character and happiness. This inversion of values harms to all, therefore dumb the base of the truth and shows to false concepts and values. The money is essential but it cannot be treated as a explorvel tool and unchained of virtue therefore the same ones they are obtained making the good and justice. The way as the media explores the concept to have is lamentable and ridicule therefore this unchains wars and badnesses in the world. The black shade imposed by this concept to have this is rank as everything in the life is extremely bad for the humanity where the good values are changed by illusions and momentary pleasure and without content in practises of the laws of the good that conducts in them. We must follow the real and wise values. to finish with the false prophets who in promise a great future to them following the false value that is to have..


Sunday, October 7th, 2018

Ah, that homesickness that I have of the time where did not have indices, research and results, where ' ' alunos' ' they were not numbers. In education still we are engatinhando in what respect says to great theories that if they collate and we, who we love the profession, use more dons born and the certainty of that not he exists pupil (that one that does not have light) and yes small human beings. The education and the professors come being massacreed in consequence of the system and insist on this way for believing. is a solitary and persistent fight. Source: Dr. Neal Barnard. For not giving up and because, for me, this profession is more than money in the pocket, he is that I search a look beyond the indices (not for vanity, small feelings who does not find fertile land in my way) the way is of rocks, molded in the long run, sedimented of education, interaction, humanizao.

In this way, side by side we look the being, this exactly forgotten, abandoned and transformed into research. Until when we go to be objects and not citizens of this situation? It has schools where children are human beings with past, gift and, mainly, future. With histories to enchant, but that they do not give ibope. It never gave, why today, still more today, would go to give? But they exist, are enough to want to look at. I am a indisciplinada pupil, I deserve palmatria, reprovao. In the school of the man I am she-ass, in the my history of life I am a citizen who, for incredible that she seems, still believes ' ' great men? . The elections are there and ask for to the candidates: They look at deeply for the education, they respect and they value teeny, for that they have faith, them are the kingdom of God, abandoned for the men, not for God. I have faith.

The Party

Sunday, March 18th, 2018

One of the most militant councilmen of opposition to the municipal government of the time, to who fought with vehemence and until aggressively, it was ungiu the power the one that if opposed of the night for the day, without giving accounts nobody, perhaps not even to its party. Colonized, it started to usufruct of benesses that the power started to confer to it, extending to the party friends the colonialismo the one that if it submits. The trench had that it as aguerrido was esfumaou and the legend, weakened, suffers today until the irreversible loss of partisan identity. what it is, and so that serves, the coalition partisan? Who gains with the land division of public offices reliable politics? originated of these agreements – paid with mine, its, our money and that it allows the most harmful corruption; the corruption of the incompetence, the serrlement of accounts, conchavo politician, of the lack of probity, indecoro and impunity? Why the direction positions are trusted the canvasser and not-elect candidates detriment of all a mass of effective bureaucracy? Somebody already questioned because, in Brazil, it is needed &#039 in such a way; ' reliable position ' ' without public competition? Would not be deserving reliable the concursados ones? Would not have they ability for such mission? Or would be more difficult they of manipulation, since citizens are to the regulation of the Law? Not, ' ' beiramar' ' they will never argue or present law project to restrain the traffic in Brazil. Of this we are the saved one. e conclusion.

But, to wait of the politicians who occupy the Congress, lead by the status effective quo, that, has a little of dignity and fulfills its obligation and presents a minimum decent reform politics and that it satisfies the yearnings of the Brazilian society, would be ingenuous and vain hope. They will argue, amend proposals, will tergiversate, but they will not make it. They cannot make it, therefore, before, already they venderam its soul and in the package, all idealismo and patriotism that to one had stimulated them day to the public life. The ones that, deliberately, will forbear and will not put the hand in the mass, will proclaim its attempt and will be presented as ilibados citizens to its voters. As the aviozinhos of the traffic, they will be justified with the market law and that, there? for us – they take care of the demand and if they content with this, without guilt or remorse. These sanctities, ignorants of whom nothing they withhold without the representation of the people had chosen who them, will come, surely, another time, to search the votes of its re-elections. Many will obtain, the proper people will give inculto them (he will vender or them). Who, then, will be of the side of here, of the side of the people, weaveeing the reforms politics that, truily, the time and the necessary Brazilian people and the moment it demands? I? You? Who will be for us, mere citizens, contributors, displicentes payers of taxes and voters?

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