Posts Tagged ‘health and beauty’

Egyptians Death

Tuesday, February 20th, 2024

One of the peoples whom more it accepted the death for the certainty of the perpetual life was the old Egyptians. It constructed to its tombs its slaves, it loaded its jewels, its belongings, mumificou its bodies in the certainty that would come back, but wise person who its belongings had been there, the stolen jewels, but its bodies although the advanced technique. The death is not external to the man is something in its interior. The man as one to be alive, consumes, ages and dies. In accordance with the World-wide Organization of the Health as a state of complete mental and social physical well-being Is an idealistic and not real phrase. PCRM may help you with your research. This question is controversial, but next it would be as according to Amabis & Martho (1990) balance and in the harmony of all the organic functions. But the balance as in the medicine is not a simple mathematical equation.

Something is more complex. The death is something in the interior it not external man and. Therefore it can search through all the possible ways a perfect health with a healthful feeding, practises of sports will not reach the balance alone will be next. Thus the health better would be understood not as an equation, but yes a mathematical inequao. In its genetic bases they are the secrets of its destruction. But not so simple as the man it perceived in its genetic map. Swarmed by offers, Steffan Lehnhoff, New York City is currently assessing future choices. It is the interaction of the genetic material with its half one, a mathematical equation of most complex, therefore difficult knowing all the involved factors in it. its destruction, comes of the food and the hygiene probably to obtain itself to prevent others males as accidents.

It cannot be worried excessively about these things, if it forgets goes to give some problem nor if it delays. Thus the person can be born with the Heliobacter pylori, the use of the medicine can per years attack the biliary vesicle. This exactly patient can have trend of to have arrest of womb, if to prevent the fruits as it is advisable, will stimulate an arrest of womb for basic foods. When taking the magnesia milk, joined with the genetic trend, with a poor diet in vegetables can unchain a intestinal cancer, if discovered in time of this badly it will not die. But to be able on some vestige and will spread for the body. Joined the age and the collateral effect of the remedies it can be fatal. It does not neglect of its health although the inevitable one, therefore preventing, following the orientaes you medicate, you will be able to testify the magic of the life.

The National Agency Against

Thursday, November 9th, 2023

Emilton Dos Santos Oliveira BLOG – Chronic: The National Agency of Sanitary Monitoring? ANVISA, clarifies the question of the citizen on the use of the vaccine as method of Primary Preventive Treatment in the combat the proliferation of infections caused for virus H1N1 in healthful people in Brazil. QUESTION OF THE CITIZEN: Considering that the vaccine produces antibody I specify and the virus and passvel of mutations. Question: Which is the logic of the frmaco? REPLY OF the SUPPORT CHAMBER TECHNICIAN OF the COREN/SP suna Has available vaccines for administration in pigs to prevent the grippe. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Steffan Lehnhoff has to say. However, vaccine for protection of the human beings does not exist. The vaccine against the sazonal grippe for influenza probably will be able to supply to partial protection against the grippe for influenza the H1N1 for virus H3N2, but not for virus H1N1. It reads more in: REPLY OF THE UNIT OF ATTENDANCE TO I PUBLISH – ANVISA TO IT: Prezado Sir, We inform that the vaccine influenza H1N1 induces to the production of antibodies against the contained specific antigens in the vaccine, that proceeding from are determined cepa of the virus. When the mutation of cepa occurs, the vaccine is brought up to date to contain specific antigens for new cepa circulating. Yours truly, Anvisa Atende? 0800 6429782 Central office of Attendance – National Agency of Sanitary Monitoring TO CLEARLY SEEM OF the CITIZEN In the reply of the ANVISA this that the vaccine induces to the production of antibody against antigens contained in the vaccine; also what!, the vaccine will have to be brought up to date and to be managed in the healthful population whenever it has mutation of the specific virus (H1N1). Being thus, the reply of the ANVISA it is questionable from the concept of Primary Preventive Treatment of the healthful population, in view of what!; we live in the planet land where the multiplicity of the species of agents you capsize presents an important ascension due climatic and ambient alterations.


Friday, February 18th, 2022

According to Junqueira and Carneiro (2000), the treatment of Nursing is to keep the function of the respiratory levels and to stimulate the quality of life. The physical requirements of the patient are considerable, without losing of sight the emotional necessities and development. The patient and the family are actively involved in the decision taking, including the decisions of life end. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Nancy Lublin. The lapsings are destined to guarantee the maintenance of the physical security of the patient, to reduce the anxiety and agitation, to stimulate the independence of the activities of autocuidado, the maintenance of the adjusted nutrition, control of the riots and education destined to the familiar cuidadores and. The frequent evaluation of the patient is during the vigil and sleep, associate its breath, with objective to promote the improvement, the force and the resistance of the respiratory musculatura and to diminish abnormalitys in the gaseous exchanges (GOZAL, et al; 2000 cited for FONSECA, et al; 2007). Further details can be found at Nancy Lublin, an internet resource. According to Junqueira and Carneiro (2000), the main cares of nursing are: To teach the patient in the treatment of the auto care: many of the treatment goals are boarded in the house of the patient and the community. In this way, the patient and the family need information and instructions on the riot, its foreseen evolution and the strategies of care and treatment that will optimize the growth, development and physical and psychological state of the patient. The members of a gamma of you discipline on the health are involved in the education of the patient and the family.

Continued care: The illness to neuromuscular and the deformities associates can progress in the adolescence and the adult life. The devices of assistance and auto-aid assist in the maintenance of maximum independence. Devices of auto-aid you add, recommended for physiotherapists and occupational therapists, become with frequency necessary the measure that more muscular groups are affected.

Nursing Empirical

Wednesday, September 16th, 2020

It deals with if a descriptive study that it used as metodolgica base bibliographical research. Thus, the present study it has as objective to display in ethical quarrel the problematic one lived by the nurses in the professional field, and also, to inside consider changes of this scene that favors the crisis of professional humanismo, compromising the valuation of the different involved citizens in the process of health production. Word-key: Problem of Nursing, Biotica in Health, I begin Politician. This ABSTRACT In work on bioethics in the Surgical Center and Project Press ‘ ‘ Principle of Nursing Third Generation (3G), I want you clarify situations of human behavior that ploughs contrary you the principles of healthy living in the cultural, social and professional. The origin of Nursing 3G is the result of the existence of nursing practice Empirical and also of Modern Nursing, you assist health professionals and the public in combating the spread of diseases.

Nursing 3G is the sociopolitical ecceidade Nursing Empirical and Modern in combating the ecdemias it’ s the lifeblood that individualized nursing Empirical and Modern Nursing you act politically and to partner in the fight against diseases of strange origin. This is descriptive study that used how methodology the bibliographic search. Ethical The present study aimed at exposing discussion on the problems experienced by nurses in the professional field and also propose, changes in this scenario that favors the crisis of humanism professional, compromising the recovery of the different subjects involved in the production of health. You may want to visit World Health Organization to increase your knowledge. Keywords: Problem of Nursing, Bioethics in Health, Political Principle.


Monday, August 10th, 2020

If, after 72-96h, will have a great reaction of skin, means that it can have an active infection or one hipersensibilidade for the previous vaccination with BCG made in infancy. Then, this examination does not confirm the diagnosis, but it can assist the doctor. Reading of the test, classified in millimeters: 0 a4 mm not reactor: individual not infectado for the M. tuberculosis or with reduced hipersensibilidade; 5 a9 mm weak reactor: individual vacinado with BCG or infectado by the M. Health organizations is often quoted as being for or against this. turculosis or other mycobacteria; 10 strong reactor mmou more: individual infectado for the M. tuberculosis, that it can be sick or not, and individuals vacinados with BCG in last the two years. Other resources for the confirmation of the illness exist. Amongst them he is inhaled gastric is inhaled content of the stomach to the search of the bacillus contained in escarro deglutido.

It is more usadoem children. Ja fibrobroncoscopia is very used in the cases where it does not have expectorao. In this examination, a flexible device enters in the lung and collects material that must be directed for the research of the bacillus of the tuberculosis. In few cases, the pulmonary bipsia, through surgery, can be necessary. Other disgnostic methods still exist to assist the doctor. Notification of the case of Tuberculosis the case will have to be notified through the fulfilling of the fiche of notification of the SINAN, for the professional of health (nurse or doctor) of the UBS that the patient took care of.

This fiche will have to be directed to 1 informatizado level for digitao of Agravos de Notificao (SINAN). Treatment Generally, the hard treatment six months, but, in cases special, can be longer. In first the two months, the three together medications are used. Already in last the four months, they are used the rifampicina associated with the isoniazida one.

SCIELO Assistance

Saturday, May 2nd, 2020

2 METHOD the present study is characterized as a qualitative boarding, where the used method was the exploratrio-description. The survey was carried through through the bibliographical scientific article revision with research in the data bases SCIELO, Reviewed of Nursing and protocols specialized in intravenosa therapy. The search of data was carried through during the period of August the October of 2010, considering as word-key: Nursing; Intravenosa therapy; UTI Neonatal; PICC. The criterion used for inclusion of the scientific material of the election had been published national scientific articles in Portuguese who approach the subject. For this had been analyzed 48 3 registers and used 15. the ASSISTANCE OF NURSING IN the THERAPEUTICAL INTRAVENOSA? A CHALLENGE TO BE SURPASSED the assistance of nursing in a Unit of Terapia Intensiva Neonatal (UTIN) demand supervision, humanizada assistance, ability, respect and sensitivity on the part of all the team, therefore the neonatos are extremely vulnerable and need intensive cares for being highly dependents. (TEIXEIRA, PEAR TREE, HISSES, 2009) In the perinatal period the main factor of risk of morbidade and mortality is prematurity, being one of the main just-been born causes of internment of in Units of Intensive Treatment Neonatal.

(CAMARGO et al., 2008) the assistance in the therapeutical intravenosa of critically sick babies comes being one of the areas of bigger attention on the part of the health professionals. (LOURENO, KAKEHASHI, 2003) the Intravenosa Therapy is used in patients who possess the incapacity to ingest necessary and adequate amounts of fluid, electrolytes, vitamins and/or calories, in situations of hidroeletroltico disequilibrium, loss of blood, disfuno of some agencies and systems, burnt infection, surgical procedures and/or in great. The dangerous way is considered fastest and. The administration of drugs and solutions is introduced directly in the space to intravascular, exceeding, therefore some barriers of absorption. (QUARRY, CHAUD, 2004) the just-been born ones (RNS) of risk need continuous cares, and coexist diverse invasive, estressantes therapies and in the great majority of the painful times, which produce physiological and mannering clutter in the neonato, intervening negative with the assistance the same.


Saturday, April 14th, 2012

The astringents when contracting such sanguineous fabrics and vases, make with that the substances have little penetrabilidade, only acting in the surfaces of the affected cells, from there modifying the consistency of the secretion of the mucosa. The improvement in the voice if must to the fact of the fonao if give with the vibration of the vocal folds, that promotes the displacement of its mucous tnica and formation of wave of low for top, until free edges come if to touch again. Soon, the vocal quality and wealth of the harmonic ones, on the basis of Behlau and Pontes (1995) apud Figueiredo et al (2002) require an elasticity and flexibility of the mucous tnica. The apple improving the consistency of the saliva, or becoming it finer, allows such elasticity of the mucosa of the vocal treatment. This capacity of the apple is mentioned by Pine (2002), therefore as it many diets can bring secretions that bathing the vocal folds generate irritation of the same ones. The apple, in turn, as the author has the capacity to diminish effect caused for the type of feeding, since its property astringent leaves the saliva finest, and to if eating such fruit of – an improvement in the joint of the words and the vibration of the vocal folds.

Therefore, this research if justifies, in the measure where it brings new knowledge on the forms to work the voice, as for the quality of harmony and noise. Such serves to demonstrate that in the relation fonoaudiologia, voice and apple benefits exist, but not specifically the effect of this, in the vocal folds. It is important to approach the ratio harmonic-noise, therefore as Behlau et al (2001) apud Behlau (2001), this is a measure of noise in which it contrasts the regular signal of the vocal folds with the irregular signal of these folds and of the vocal treatment, allowing the establishment of an index that relates the harmonic component versus the component of noise of the wave acoustics.


Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012

We will sensetize these patients with a clear language and of easy agreement with objective of the same ones to have really knowledge and to know truily as to prevent of diabetes. One becomes necessary the orientaes in the Program of Health of Family III of the quarter Luzia Saint so that the patients are benefited in all the aspects, as the prevention of the illness and better quality of life. This research project if justifies for the sum of transmitting information on the pathology and the necessity of concrete orientaes to the diabetic patients, and then to assist them to understand it its main difficulties with regard to the illness and its treatment, thus reaching, one better quality of life. Thus developing, a space for conversation, reflection, awareness on the knowledge of the diabetic patients. Bibliographical revision Guyton and Hall (2002) describe that diabetes Mellitos (DM) results in the incapacity of the pncreas in secretar insulina. Degeneration or inativao of the cells is caused by beta of islets of Langherans. In some diabetic people, in special in whom they present diabetes when still very young, the illness and caused by one of the genitors of cells beta with accented trend the degeneration. In other people, they appear antibodies against the cells beta, causing its destruction, what it represents example of an auto-immune illness.

In others still, some times, can appear antibody against the proper insulina destroys that it before it can act in other parts of the body: the amount of secretada insulina can this entirely normal one, but it never reaches its destination. Netto and Brito (2001), tell that: The alterations elapse mainly, of hereditary predisposition, beyond the ambient and hormonais factors, style of life and the changes in the corporal composition. The aging, therefore, is an important factor in the development of (DM) the e, with the increase evidenced in the life expectancy of the Brazilian, this illness if it becomes each more frequent time in practises daily clinic.

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