Posts Tagged ‘hobbies’

History Brewing

Friday, January 29th, 2016

Among the many historians and beer drinkers are still fierce debate: when and where was first brewed this noble drink? These disputes caused by the high level of confidence the first handwritten mention of the foam beverage and differences in the composition of beer in different cultures. We will stick version of the famous orientalist Sumerologist and Samuel Kramer (1897-1990gg), which is considered the first written mention of beer Sumerian Epic Tale of Gilgamesh, dated to 2080 m year before Christmas. Obsessed with the Babylonian Empire, Schumer revealed many of his inventions, including the brewing of beer. In Babylon, beer was considered fully democratic drink, and Sumerian brewers were respectable people, are exempt from many restrictions, and even from military service. In the famous code of laws Hamurappi even mention penalties for profiteering and dilution of beer. As a result, the campaigns of Alexander Macedonian Sumerian brewing secrets learned first in ancient Egypt, and then in Ethiopia, Greece, Rome and Persia. Since the beginning of the rising Roman Empire, barbarians, regularly entering the empire to trade, much replenished from the fast-Romans, including the art of brewing. From this moment begins the modern history of beer, the beer began to add hops (which is allowed at times to increase the shelf life of beer, become accessible transport beer, even in neighboring countries). The question of who first made a revolutionary discovery remains unanswered, according to one version of the first in beer hops added Lithuanians and Belarusians, on the other – Oriental Tatars.

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