Posts Tagged ‘personal development’

Human Heart

Saturday, October 24th, 2020

It is the human heart, place where nobody goes. But the Espirito Santo knows the deepening of the human heart, any that are the appearances, penetrates in it, discloses the thoughts and desires, the sins most private of the human being display, them to the full light. ' ' When the Spirit of the Truth to come, will lead you to it to the full truth. It will establish the culpability of the world regarding the sin, of justice and the judgment: of the sin, because they do not believe in me; of justice, because I go for the Father; of the judgment, because the prince of this world is julgado' ' (14). The workmanship of Salvador, of the Medical the holy ghost with is concluded: its cross incarnation, death and resurrection extirparam the sin of the world, had cleaned the hearts of all pathology, had left the cured body and soul human being, by means of the faith. Forum for Theological Exploration has firm opinions on the matter. God Mother discloses the pathology that the sin of the world caused in the human heart and is remedy will cure that it. The human being is imperfect by its very nature.

Its congenital fragility includes the possibility to fail. The congenital fallibity of the human being is the potential sin. The Creator wanted thus it. ' ' Jav shaped the man of the clay of the ground, insuflou in its nostrils a hlito of life and it if vivente&#039 became a being; '. The vital blow makes the man image of God. Click Randall Mays to learn more. But, it ' ' he is p' ' (15). For this, he is not God, but only similar it. This ontolgico paradox is wanted for God, who made the human being at the same time spiritual as God and material as dust of the land. The substance human being is composed of body and soul, non-separable joined. For this, it is imperfect by its very nature and alone he practises voidable acts.

Social Assistant Groups

Friday, July 3rd, 2020

Still for Iamamoto and Carvalho (2009, p 114) the social assistant acts in the social field from particular aspects of the situation of life of the diligent classroom, relative the health, housing, education, familiar relations, urban infrastructure etc. Is from these concrete expressions of the social relations in daily of the life of the individuals and the groups that professional effective its intervention. According to Carvalho and Netto (2005, P. 51, 52) the Social Assistant acts in the daily one of the oppressed social groups, introducing, most of the time, exactly under the roupagem of a revolutionary action, the progress, the comfort, with proper ends in itself. They still affirm the authors who practical the social one has its social origin in the natural search of subsistence and existence in society accomplished for individuals and groups. These elaborate and carry through one practical social one been born of its possibilities of understanding and intervention in the reality with sights to the satisfaction fullest of its necessities and motivations, affirming that ' ' the practical present movement to the social one is expression of ' ' to come ser' ' constant of this practical and the citizens that in it interagem' ' (2005, p.58).

It is therefore that the practical duty to be of the social one is in dispute. It does not have only ' ' to have ser' '. For Carvalho and Netto (2005, pag.51 and 52), the Social Assistant is one of the privileged mediators in the relation between population dominated, oppressed or excluded and the State. The Social Service is a profession that has singular characteristics. It does not act on an only necessity human being, nor neither destines to all the men of a society, without distinction of income or classroom. Its especificidade is in the fact to act on all the necessities one human beings given social classroom, that is, that one formed by the pauperizados or excluded subordinate groups of the goods, services and wealth of this our society.

Enterprise Management

Monday, May 13th, 2019

How much valley my mark? We have seen all the press to speak on the valuation of the great marks of company. Most valuable of the world. Marlboro, Cocaine Glue, Microsoft, IBM, Chevrolet but, where this affects the people? What this can bring of good (or bad) for us? Simple mortals of day-by-day. We do not have these marks printed in the forehead. I do not leave with a plate chest-coasts written ' ' I am the Fulano' ' We do not see our names shining in great panels in the entrances of the cities or great events. We do not see our names sponsoring novels or in commercial in the intervals of the telejornais.

In soccer field, NEVER vi a plate with my name. But this is the mark most important that I have. It is only! Perennial and fragile and for this she has that TO BE HONORED and well-taken care of with affection and respect! She is with it that I present myself and I identify myself with the people. She is for it that I am identified by the people of my conviviality. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Boy Scouts. No mark would have to be more important that MY mark. For it I fight! I beat and apanho! But I do not leave it alone! If I to make of mine name my stronger mark, will not be necessary defends it. Same it, with the force of its expression if defends and is defended by knows who it. Mark does not leave to apodrecer its BETTER.

It makes to be respected it and to be wanted. When somebody to pronounce your name, that the souvenir is of joy. Of comprometimento! Of security. Of professionalism, coleguismo and confidence. That for where you to pass, your name are printed matter in the hearts of that you noticed. It buys what it is necessary. It pays just and it receives the honest one! Always having its mark to the front. It watches over for it. Mark better makes of its name its! ' ' My mark is important for my family, my company and for the community where alive and I produce! ' ' I am taking care of well of it? Eloy Ribeiro de Souza eloysouza@ to twitter: @eloysouza Eloy Ribeiro de Souza, is formed in Business administration and after graduated Enterprise Management and Methodology of Superior Ensino, beyond diverse complementary courses in such a way in Brazil how much in the exterior. Palestrante, poliglota, with experience of more than 20 years in foreign commerce, what it made possible to it, the routine convivncia with many cultures, and, for consequence, to know personal and professional positions that, today, are subjects of its lectures for all Brazil.

Strategical Organization

Friday, February 17th, 2017

Now, the responsible people for the organizations need to know to use the beneficial ones of a conscientious strategical remuneration, and that, she serves of instrument to provoke motivadoras reactions that transform the attitudes and behaviors of professionals of all company. To know you reward that them they are gears that make with that the people can demonstrate its potential all, knowing themselves that it will have times that nor all they go to demonstrate to such behaviors due the sazonalidade of the motivations, all have its good days and bad, this occurs independently of the strategies adopted for the organization. To be strategical is not only to make what it expects, this is known as the obvious one. To be strategical requires a little more than mental effort, is to extract the possible of the human resources of the form company, repaying joust and lined up maximum to the process that gave origin to the gotten results. If daily pay cannot judge that the people always will go to generate resulted shining, this is, to wait that the employee always will produce in its maximum capacity. Through actions directed for people (people or positions) specific, it can be gotten much more, instead of generalizing stock issued for services for all personal. The motivation for work is not synonymous of financial recognition, is about a set of factors to be adopted in order to reach to all, therefore the wage increase alone motivates the employee in the first months, later the value of this increase already is not more recognized for incorporating in the necessities of this collaborator. It is common to think that a simple strategical introduction of recognition goes to reach to all with the same intensity, what it is a pure deceit, does not know which is the individual objectives, its desires, its dreams. It is clearly that the organization does not go to transform individual dreams, desires and objectives in reality, but can introduce tools capable to associate the organizacionais objectives to the individual ones.

Men And Women

Tuesday, May 12th, 2015

Already she makes time that the marriage left of being an obligation to be a choice. the choice still can reign on which type of union goes to be: marriage in the civilian, religious, ‘ ‘ juntar’ ‘ , to be together liveing separate, or making a Brasilia marriage. The options are many. But for that they decide to postpone the marriage dream or to dedicate the profession more chosen this seems to be a quandary that does not have end. Histories are many: some women are simply waiting the magic prince to arrive to buy the dress and to go up to the altar.

The desire of if marrying or that if it organizes its party of marriage exists, they can until looking to information on the subject in magazines, specialized periodicals and blogs, but in the end what it matters exactly it is that it lacks to the fianc or the ideal partner motivates who them to take courage and to go up to the altar. But still thus they are obliged to listen to that ‘ ‘ titia’ was pra; ‘. Some less hopeful ones like it space and the independence that had conquered in recent years and are superfocadas in the work and reaching the professional ambitions. For them the marriage would function in separate house, countries or planets. After all it is not far from easy to have to divide a space that always was only exclusively busy e, dominated and organized by them. Before only of what badly folloied it is the motto of these well-succeeded women. Ahead of as many options and 0 variable ‘ ‘ to be for titia’ ‘ already something is not so bad. It does not mean an isolation, or lack of aptitude to become related with the other social. It is only one decision as as much others that we take in our lives. Not to marry makes possible the women more than to enjoy the free time with trips, studies, purchases of clothes and jewels. Or to only enjoy the good moments alone.

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