Posts Tagged ‘philosophy’

Living Life to the Full

Saturday, August 6th, 2022

It uses to advantage each moment of its life, the hours, the seconds and the minutes pass very fast. To it we wake up a new day appears, if we raise for the mission of day-by-day, the work, the school, or determined occupation, we hear violations, something leave in them happy, fatigue, but this everything why the life provides in them optimum, that is if today this very bad, tomorrow will be well better. Then if we stopped, many people passing hunger, it does not have a housing comoda, it does not live well, passes for difficulties, but with everything this if prepares for but a battle, goes in search of what but it desires. Then we have but he is that to botar the feet in the soil and to fight for what we want, what lacks exactly is the will force, and the conscience that we must have of that we are making, and reflect on many things that are to our redor. in the end everything goes to leave itself well, can delay years, months or until minutes therefore ' ' the time does not stop ' ' as already it says the music of the Cazuza singer, if as with what it has, in the work if it has detached but, if it loves but, it dreams but, it carries through its desires, if you in the low one to the few you go up, but this to happen only depends on you.

The Goods

Tuesday, July 21st, 2020

If the human being is an animal that if human being understands and an animal who if conditions human being, not if I excluded the will as potential for accomplishment of any activity with ends the search of the pleasure and attempt to prevent sufferings. Exactly that for the work suffered the constancy from pleasure search. Acting as transforming and producing, the human being is free to choose between making or something that has one I do not begin and a desired or indesejado end. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Boy Scouts of America. The freedom as absence of limits is not possible in dependence of the human being for the nature of which it removes of same its survival, as well as does not have freedom possibility being the human being in relation with fellow creatures in group, that demands organization. Freud elucidates that the society or civilization uses the nature to remove the survival and if organizes socially to regulate the relations between its members. ' ' How it is known, the culture human being? I mention to everything that where the life human being if raised above of its animal conditions and if it distinguishes from the life of the animals; I oppose to separate to culture and civilization? he shows two sides the observed one. Please visit WHO Timeline Statement if you seek more information. It encloses for a side, all knowing and all the capacity acquired for the man with the end to dominate the forces of the nature and to get its goods for the satisfaction of the necessities human beings and, for in such a way, all the institutions necessary to regulate the relations of men between itself e, in special, the division of the goods acessveis.' ' (FREUD.2010, Pp. 36-37) Ademais, the human being, for being part of a culture, learns to coexist its members being respected the imposed rules and participating of the activities that it are useful for the personal accomplishments. .

Armed Forces

Thursday, February 7th, 2019

The military man exerts, throughout its career, positions and functions in degrees of increasing complexity, what she makes of the leadership essential factor to the institution. These aspects determine the existence of a planned flow of career, obedient the defined criteria, that include the higidez, the professional qualification and the limits of age, everything this influencing in the promotions to the ranks and subsequentes graduations. are not widely known. Without this flow, the permanent renewal, made possible for the rotation in the positions, would be extremely harmed and the reached operationalization. If you would like to know more about Nieman Foundation, then click here. These promotions are carried through according to a planning, in the long run necessary to define, with exactness, the existing vacant in each rank or graduation and to manage the flow of career in the different pictures of graduated officers and of. Brazil, with continental dimensions and increasing international projection, possesss modest, if compared Armed Forces very with the too much nations. According to data of specialized publications, it is the country that pledges the percentile minor of the GIP in expenses with defense, making use of approximately a soldier for each fifty kilometers squared. In the conception of the Army, the challenge to answer to the necessities of the national defense has been looser thanks to the current system of military service, that allows, in short term, to mobilize reserves and to take care of, with chance and minor cost, to the emergenciais situations that can be configured. Boy Scouts of America may find this interesting as well.

This is the preponderant strategical approach for the analysis of our reality. All citizen after to enter one of the Armed Forces by means of incorporation, registers or nomination, will give honor commitment, in which she will affirm its conscientious acceptance of the obligations and the military duties and will reveal its firm disposal of well cumpriz them. (Art. 32 of the Law n 6,880, Statute of the Military) the national reality imposes solutions for the defense that do not burden the budget substantially of Union and that they do not compromise the attendance of other social priorities and development, generating weighed incubencies for all the society.


Wednesday, August 30th, 2017

But it seems that it had a decline of the valuation of the public life as space of the action and consequently of the life politics as a whole. Following the trend of the Frenchmen, master in the art of being happy between the small things, inside of the space of its four walls, between the closet and the bed, the table and chair, the dog and the cat and vase of flowers, dedicating these things a care and a ternura that, in a world where fast industrialization constantly destroys the things of yesterday producing objects of today, can until seeming I finish purely it human of the world. It is in this aspect that I make the comparison of the thought of Arendt with Koyr, therefore this sample that we jump of a closed world, that in my analogy corresponds to the private one, for an infinite universe, that in my analogy, that exactly unhappy, it corresponds to the public. The private sphere was the restricted one, what it said respect only to the family head, was a closed world, the public one was place of expansion, the new, the improbable one, the surprising one as an infinite universe. The public sphere is the space of the largeness and for being incapable to shelter what it is irrelevant, but that the individuals had started to consider important it had one refluxo of lives deeply in public for the candy privacy of the home. Augustin has guilt in this. It, as Arendt were that considered that the community of brothers in Christ had its life based on the charity and living in species of apolitia, when anti politia.

Character not public and non-political was well early defined in condition of that corpus would have to form, whose members would have between itself the relation that has the members of one same family, (…) never had enter the members of one same family something who if was similar to a public sphere, therefore were improbable that it came to exist between this. As for the Christians the world it will not last, then it does not have reason to be worried about it, to debate on it, because the world does not have to be constructed thinking only about the ones that are livings creature, but those that will come. The Christians had the certainty of that they were not of this dumb, then because to be worried about it. In the present time the individuals had abandoned the squares, the debates and if they had closed in the recondite one of its houses, is where if proteges feel, far from curious looks, if they feel carried through.

Good Hope

Sunday, August 25th, 2013

This phenomenon, that not yet is the knowledge, also passes for the categories, that are structures a priori of the citizen. The world has not felt not to be that the man gives to some direction it. What we know deeply is marked by the way for which we know. When coming back the focus toward the citizen that knows, that constructs the world, has a sensation of blockade of any pretense access to the essence of objects of the world. We only have access to the things while phenomena for a conscience. What the reality is in same itself, or thing-in-itself, or what Kant nmeno flame, is not substance of human knowledge, being, therefore, incognoscvel. The critical philosophy of Kant consists of imposing to the reason the limits of the possible experience. Kant wants, thus, to supply a metodolgico severity to metaphysics, exempting it of its dogmtico character and bringing it for the safe from route science.

This method that analyzes the possibilities of a priori knowledge of the citizen, inside of the limits of the experience, is called transcendental. The REVOLUTION THAT ALLOWED the BIRTH OF SCIENCES Seems to have something of promising in the kantiana speculation on the knowledge. Kant is interested itself in the principles of the knowledge that are not offered in the sensible experience. The mathematics, however, evidences for us that the reason obtains to elaborate knowledge without the aid of the experience, despite, in last instance, it comes to send. By means of uncertain attempts, ' ' … the Mathematics since the times most remote reached by the history of the reason human being … already cincia&#039 encetou safe from way one; '. Moreover it had also that to carry through a definitive transformation, attributed to a much more important revolution that the discovery of the Handle of the Good Hope. The revolution if gave by means of dislocating from the barycentre of the physical research of objects for the reason human being and with the discovery of that the reason finds, in the nature, what in she herself it places.

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