Posts Tagged ‘the news’

Speaker Phone

Thursday, December 20th, 2018

The people when they speak on the telephone do, it of a way very different from when they talk against in front. The telephone is impersonal. There is visual contact, nor opportunity no to express with gestures which means. This puts an excessive load in its voice to make arrive the message at the other end of the line. Firstly he considers the tone typical whereupon you answer a telephone call: stop, moderate or smooth.

The one that describes you better you do not have almost any importance, as long as their vocal quality is pleasant. It is prepared. A high voice that suggests vigor and health generally is expressed in a seductive tone but a high voice, sprinkled of irritation, impatience, or with acute or gaudy shouts it is, with complete certainty, a signal of shutdown for positive a telephone conversation. The rapidity in the greeting when offing-hook the earpiece is also important. An express " diga" as if it was barking is almost equivalent to like a to say: " What is what wants? " This is also applied to the simple and protocolic greeting " yes? " or " who speech? " Much more attractive it is a smooth, slow and full greeting of heat as if outside a greeting against in front. After this the subject of its conversation will depend on whom is the person with whom it is speaking (a stranger, a friend or enamoring). Also it depends on the nature of the subject. It supposes that it wishes to meet with a group of his friendships. Technical what would use in their conversation so that it does not seem a plea or persuacin? For the friend who does not interest another thing more to him than the food, you must say to him, something as well as: " By the way, Alfredo, between the things that fodder to serve is your stuffed lobster favorita".

Modifying Our System

Sunday, December 2nd, 2018

The source of being able is within you, but that does not mean that it is easy to accede a he, per years has lived with a great amount on negative information and beliefs obstacles that separate to us of our spiritual essence, their mission in this world is to be discovered to itself, that is to find one or several tasks that gives an enormous satisfaction him, that will allow him to enter the creative current of the universe, in the measurement that is surpassing its beliefs then obstacles the inner power will begin to impel it with smaller conscious resistance, which means that the way for the profit of diverse objectives will be clearer and easy to journey, is an adaptation process. Their desires of changes must be associate to good emotions, the book Modifying Our System of Beliefs to achieve the success of Steve Alpizar outlines the influence of the emotions in the internal energy level, which is fundamental to materialize a desire, in this book you will learn to organize his life in order to install beliefs that support their objectives. Get all the facts and insights with Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, another great source of information. The opportunities arise for the prepared minds, this implies that internamente we wished to experiment a change of life and the universe offers answers him because same you create, if you wish to change his negative beliefs and to begin a reprogramming in his life, then is reading it at this moment to the opportunity, is not scared, the knowledge is the first passage of the liberation and you are somebody exceptional one and powerful then the unique thing that needs is to remember it, that is to say to efficiently establish the bridge between its conscious mind and the subconscious mind.. .

Mendoza Cabalgar

Sunday, November 25th, 2018

The region of Whose she is the one that has best lugarl to enjoy activities outdoors. From which the amount of excursions in Mendoza so abundant and is varied. For that they outdoors adore the strolls with a little physical exigency, a cavalcade in the mountain can be an attractive proposal. To mount to horse can be one of the activities during our vacations in Mendoza. Boy Scouts of America contains valuable tech resources. Since the horses journey tranquilamentepor the rivers and mountains, the landscape can be contemplated during the cavalcade, to the point to consider to mountains, hills and the rivers as fellow travelers.

The planned excursions to mount to horse can be short or more extensive trips, like the expedition to the Mountain range of the sand. Some of these trips include the crossing of the sand towards Chile. To be part of the crossing of the mountain range to horse is one of the strolls more exciting than it can be experienced in the region of Whose. With a duration of one week or more, the group of riders enters itself in the heart of the Mountain range.

Plan Objectives

Tuesday, October 9th, 2018

John Wannamaker (one of the parents of the modern publicity) said in century XIX that, of all the money that invested in publicity, he knew that he threw 50%, but did not know what 50% were. It is probable that many companies can have the same sensation, and think that one leaves important from the resources that dedicate to the Communication goes directly to the sweepings. I am not of that opinion. Although I can agree in which, sometimes, the result of the publicity cannot be measured to the penny (we will speak more on this subject in another one post), this does not mean, far from it, that we did not prune to have a quite clear idea than we have obtained. From my point of view, this frustration takes place, more than by a lack of control on the results (that also), by errors at the time of writing up Means Plans that do not finish reaching the objectives that they persecute. If you want situarte between which they do not throw his money when they realise a publicity campaign, asegrate of which you do not commit the following errors: 1. – Not to have clear objectives from the first moment. This is what the Anglo-Saxons call to have " SMART Objectives" (Intelligent Objectives).

SMART is an acronym that means: S (Specific) specific, Ms (Measurable) measurable, A (Achievable) attainable, R (Relevant) excellent and T (Time Bound) subject to a term of time. It is complicated that any initiative obtains the tempting result if clear objectives have not been defined one. 2. – Sufficiently not to know the market which I go. In order to avoid that this only happens you have hacerte the suitable questions: 2.a. – How they are my consumers? Pregntate by their age, sex, to what social class belongs, in what type of habitat lives, what education has received, where they are, etc.

Embracing World

Thursday, September 20th, 2018

Therefore, the wise person controls people: Draining its hearts, Filling its belly, Debilitating its ambitions, and fortifying its bodies. If people lack knowledge and the most capable desire among them he is incapable to act; If All are avoided the actions they live pacifically. It is added to us in addition, that we do not forget that Tao is a ship bottomless; Used by itself, one does not fill with the World; It cannot be cut, be limited, be hidden or be immobilized; Their depths are hidden, ubiquitous and eternal; I do not know from where it comes; It arrived before the Nature is indicated in addition, that Embracing to the Tao, you will be embraced. With facility, smoothly, like you will be appeared again. It clarifies your vision, you will be illuminated. It feeds your compassion, you will be impartial. It abre your heart, you will be accepted.

Accepting to the World you embrace the Tao. Maintaining and feeding, Creating but not owning, Giving without asking, Controlling without authority, That it is the virtue. The Tao lacks form and aroma; It cannot be seen nor be heard, and its application cannot be exhausted. If you offer music and food the strangers they stop to your side; But you are in agreement with the Tao the people of the World will maintain to you In security, health, company and peace. The one that persecutes the knowledge, acquires so much as can every day; The one that it persecutes to the Tao, loses so much as can every day. It reaches a state of inaction Like without doing nothing, nothing is without doing. really comments, the taosmo has three fundamental virtues that they are: peace, tranquillity and silence. Its model is nature, that is good model for the man as well, since it does not prolong of indefinite form storm or the hurricane. Therefore, it is possible to be said that the essential principle of Not-Do (wu-wet), that does not mean passivity but it proposes to conduct nonnatural battles. That is to say; that it suggests spontaneity, and it leaves things them take his natural course, that flow, without forcing the actions nor interfering in its development. Everything what happens is part of the Tao and each human being must look for cumin in its interior. The taosmo yearns for the harmony between the men and these and the Whole. For the taostas the scientific progress and the culture matter! they are harmful; for example, for who gathers water with his hands, an earthen bowl made for this is something unnatural. The taostas thought that the man had to return to his primitive state and to devote itself to the forces of the nature. Therefore, the taosta true truth becomes hermit.

Jenny War Hernandez

Friday, September 14th, 2018

So that better east is understood concept, we are going to use an example. We suppose that our adolescent son feels admiration by a singer, because what we would do he is to see with him or she videos on the biography of that singer, to read interviews, critics and to consult all the sources that we pruned. Of this form, our adolescent will realize of which its idol is not perfect, but as any human being has problems, it has had to fight to arrive at where it is, and it does not like to everybody. Ensale to be proactive the pressure of mass media and the different social groups with whom any adolescent interacts, tends to cause that they are placed in a passive attitude and reactivates. From this perspective, the adolescents want to be able to be thinner, but they do not make anything to obtain it and they eat chucheras in excess, or they want to emphasize in the studies but they do not touch books unless they have examinations.

Nevertheless, they worry because they do not have the physicist of its idols or because they suspend. For this reason, it is necessary that we teach to them to take responsibility to be able to reach its objectives. If you want that it is committed and so it does, rmate of patience From the point of view of the parents, he is very complicated to understand why the adolescent children do not act of more responsible form. However, it is normal that these ages the things with much illusion begin and they give in by others ” more interesantes”. In order to help the children to behave of more mature and responsible form, it is important to be comprehensive with its fickle attitude, but simultaneously and with much patience to remember one to them and the times that are necessary, the objective that has seted out.

Once again, I will use an example so that it is understood to me better. We imagine that our adolescent daughter wants pass, but to five days of the next test she has not touched a book. In these cases, instead of to say things to him like ” you already are as always, certainly this time also suspendes” , we can surprise giving it to him the book we are going when it to look for its educative center, saying ” to him; it takes affection, I leave the book you because you are going certainly it to need to be able to approve that subject that as much you preocupa”. In summary, if we want to help our adolescent children to construct its self-esteem, we must try to empatizar with its form to see the world and to act as comprehensive guides accompany who them in their process by development without pressing them. Something quite difficult to do, but and so we will obtain that they construct autoconcepto healthy and hard.

Fertility Tips

Monday, September 10th, 2018

In order to be pregnant woman, a woman must maintain vaginal sexual relations the days fertile of her menstrual cycle. In these days she is when it is easier to remain pregnant woman, since the uterine neck has a special secretion, ideal so that the spermatozoa can ” nadar” in her towards the uterus, and in addition she is in those days that the ovulation happens, then the spermatozoa that have entered the uterus and to the tubes of Fallopian tube they will have opportunity to fertilize to the ovum. In the remaining days of the direct cycle there is chances no to secure a pregnancy. In addition the age to the woman also influences in the time that can get to delay to secure a pregnancy. Some studies indicate that the ideal age to be pregnant is between the 20 and the 30 years. It is in that rank of age when it is easier to remain pregnant.

In the first times after the first menstruation, still hormonal irregularities and anovulatorios cycles exist, that sometimes make difficult the conception. In the women of more than 35 years, the organism also it can get to delay a little more than the habitual thing in obtaining a pregnancy, still if the person is completely healthful and she does not present/display specific problems to conceive. In order to detect the days in which you have possibility of being pregnant woman, you can guiarte by the method of the calendar, if you have regular menstrual cycles. For example, if your cycles last 28 days, him subtractions 14, and will be then in day 14 of the cycle that you will be ovulating. Also days previous to the ovulation are fertile both. If your cycles are shorter or longer, you always must reduce 14 to find the day of the ovulation. Also you can be kind to the appearance of a vaginal flow like clear of egg, colorless and very viscous. The presence of this flow indicates that you are in fertile days.

Finally, also to buy a test of ovulation in the pharmacy, that becomes in urine. If the test is positive, calls to your pair and ponte in campaign.

Barack Obama A Black Angel In The White House

Friday, February 17th, 2017

The eyes of the world are directed towards the United States. The President seizee of the White House. One, that has had a meteoric political race and I leave more than one out of breath when I am elect candidate and later President from until recently more powerful nation of the Planet. In spite of which commonly he says himself about social racism and other phenomena, the election of a man as BARACK OBAMA is a good example of evolution in the conformation of a tolerant public opinion. Barack White Obama is half and Black half.

It has Muslim and Christian roots, having chosen (taken a) to be medical instructor of the second. Also its childhood was framed in a social picture nothing attractive, that breaks all the traditions of the North American history of the Presidents. It does not come from the typical home, it did not follow the example of a Father, nor was in the military. His grandfathers are not a hero military or a successful industrialist. He is the simplest North American worldwide and at the same time most singular.

His arrival vindicates the call American dream. And most important of everything, he is not social suffering. It does not get to persecute to anybody, only looks for the United States more just. More person in charge of the paper that is called on to him to play in the world, not as master and gentleman, but like conductive Teacher of processes that make the happiness possible of people. He questions many positions of its party. It accepts that it is necessary sometimes to challenge the authority. It believes in the free market and the liberal economy but it accentuates the paper of the State like director of the collective well-being. It knows that the federal government is truly an elephant, an elephant that moves very slow and that many of the social programs only work in the paper.

General Oil

Thursday, December 13th, 2012

Luckyly my father knew, (of knowing and wise person) to cook. The first three years of he passed them to army as intendant of kitchen of the General officer personnel. Innumerable they were its stories and histories of how it made exquisite plates battle front in the heat of certain or how it obtained that amount of manjares that supposedly did not exist by the war. My father inherited the secret to me of it: the exchange. It visited in the towns people and it changed to the women a product to them by another one: bread, flour, oil, sugar, by chickens, garlic sausages and others.

My David son got to have the chain of famous restaurants more of Caracas, at its moments counted with the six better chefs, I can with foundation say, without offending, that as cook in his style my papa took great advantage to them. Ours chefs with the best ingredients (salmon, caviar, pat, lobsters, etc.,) was able to make wonders, but of not having them, simply nothing did. My father with anything, made the best subjects of gossip. My father with a simple chicken, plums, peach trees, carrots, salt pepper, pimentones: to become lean the fingers. With respect to the sea: a fish, parsley oil and lemon. Sometimes sardines in its skin with minimum of oil and much lemon, (mouthful of Cardinal) and simpler still: big holes cured with great amount of lemon and some crude garlic.

Stewed meats, their specialty. It prepared sharp and sweet garlic sausages like few. Tortillas: those of him they were of twelve centimeters of stop. Fritaba the Popes, soon the onion, sometimes some sweet pepper and when the color came accompanying the scents, threw eggs and the touch of salt. Return artistic with the aid of a great plate and to enjoy. How to forget them or to forget it, never.

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