The Bath

You can finally have recourse to services firms, causing the enamel to the restoration of bath spray – the quality of finish coating must be higher than an order of magnitude better than the first two options. Before settling on any of three ways enamelling baths, say in brief the main stages of work, because for all three methods are the same: 1. Preliminary work. On the inner surface of the bath brush cause scouring powder such as "Pemolyuks" (composition not should contain chlorine!) and the right to make a thorough treatment of the powder coating an abrasive stone. Then degreased surface, fill the tub with hot water, pour it over 10 minutes (it is necessary to remove degreasing agents), and wipe the surface dry with a lint-free cloth.

Upon completion of preparatory works bath should be dry, smooth and clean. 2. Primer. Prepare working solution by mixing in certain proportions of hardener and enamel KO-5102, applied to the surface composition and yield dry. 3.

Topcoat. Apply a second coat of enamel, when the first coat is completely dry. At first glance, nothing complicated procedure enamelling Bath is not, so you can do it all yourself. But like any job, there are some secrets. The fact that the new enamel is not easily applied over the old one – it requires a well prepared surface, as the new cover just will not stick. So we'll have to stock an abrasive stone, and patience, and inch by inch trimmed the old enamel. Further, if you apply the enamel with a brush, it should be done very carefully – on the how smooth the surface will be dependent life coverage. It is best to work to buy a flat brush made of natural cloth. Work the brush should be carefully and clearly – bruises and blisters, staining bath unacceptable. Otherwise, the new EP-773 enamel begins to flake off as soon as n dry finish coating.

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