The Environment

We understand by medium ambientelo that affects a being I live and is conditioned especially the circumstances of life of individuals or the society on his life. Comprises the set of all values, natural social and cultural that exist in one place and one time, influencing human life and future generations. I.e., it is not only space in which life develops but that also constitute all living beings, objects, water, soil, air and the relationships between them, as well as intangibles like the general culture. We do to protect the environment every day in all the newspapers of the world refers to the protection of the environment, everyone is encouraged to take care of this precious planet that day comes falling into pieces by disinterest and care that man has to take care of where you live. But will be true that the entities which promulgate this situation if they are caring for the environment? Not truth and that we see it daily by logging! indiscriminate tree performed around the world. More than 100 million trees per day for the use and manufacture of paper is being felled daily in all countries of the world.

If this is the main predator of environment-friendly paper, because without the entities may not work. I wonder what happens with the modernization of the States in the world, with the era of information technology, where everything moves through a computer and does not require the use of paper. That is not taken into account since here you will find a list of those which are more they consume and wear out the environment in the use of paper: in the first instance have to State in each nation. Those who daily consume an average of 100 thousand reams of paper on the distribution of documents unnecessary only by maintaining large wineries with this material and thus polluting the environment once.

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