The Experts

working principles of school social work, there is numerous literature which deals with the topic of basic and working principles of school social work. The topic is discussed in literature differently by different professionals. Partly to formulate their own principles and principles of work for school social work and write attempts by the experts. But the majority that speaks out, that school social work is to be understood as an element of the youth welfare service which at the school is located. 8 (more references of school social work”see Chapter 5.5.) School social work is considered a part of the youth assistance, she should be, according to many experts also according to the same principles and principles of work, like all other institutions that operate in the system of youth welfare. The principles of the youth welfare service are as follows: prevention is perceive primacy of parents law, prior to intervention (preventive alignment of work), extensive repertoire of content, methods and forms of work, cooperation, and coordination of individual stakeholders about the offer structure, voluntary will of the addressee service, participation of children and young people in all decisions concerning them, protection of private secrets and social data of the client, of the children welfare hazard protection order, as well as the right to act offensively. 9 5.5.

references of school social work for the school and the open youth work also G. oak Ned represents in its numerous publications to the Theme cooperation between youth welfare and school”in 5.4. mentioned conception, that school social work is a separate item of the youth welfare service, which has its position within a school. Oiler ICH refers in its arguments basically a form of school social work, which emerged at the beginning of the 1970s in the wake of the reform in comprehensive schools and day schools. School social work is therefore always on a specific school.

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