
The astringents when contracting such sanguineous fabrics and vases, make with that the substances have little penetrabilidade, only acting in the surfaces of the affected cells, from there modifying the consistency of the secretion of the mucosa. The improvement in the voice if must to the fact of the fonao if give with the vibration of the vocal folds, that promotes the displacement of its mucous tnica and formation of wave of low for top, until free edges come if to touch again. Soon, the vocal quality and wealth of the harmonic ones, on the basis of Behlau and Pontes (1995) apud Figueiredo et al (2002) require an elasticity and flexibility of the mucous tnica. The apple improving the consistency of the saliva, or becoming it finer, allows such elasticity of the mucosa of the vocal treatment. This capacity of the apple is mentioned by Pine (2002), therefore as it many diets can bring secretions that bathing the vocal folds generate irritation of the same ones. The apple, in turn, as the author has the capacity to diminish effect caused for the type of feeding, since its property astringent leaves the saliva finest, and to if eating such fruit of – an improvement in the joint of the words and the vibration of the vocal folds.

Therefore, this research if justifies, in the measure where it brings new knowledge on the forms to work the voice, as for the quality of harmony and noise. Such serves to demonstrate that in the relation fonoaudiologia, voice and apple benefits exist, but not specifically the effect of this, in the vocal folds. It is important to approach the ratio harmonic-noise, therefore as Behlau et al (2001) apud Behlau (2001), this is a measure of noise in which it contrasts the regular signal of the vocal folds with the irregular signal of these folds and of the vocal treatment, allowing the establishment of an index that relates the harmonic component versus the component of noise of the wave acoustics.


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