After Thermopylae

Xerxes, who could not hide his admiration for such giant sample value, despite being calmer, could not avoid asking: are all so brave as these remaining, soldiers lacedaemonians?. Then he ordered to cut the head of Leonidas and nailed it on a pole as a warning signal for the Greeks. However, the resistance of Leonidas was not in vain. The Western world, would appreciate it, even today. For even more opinions, read materials from Center For Responsible Lending. After Thermopylae, the Greeks delayed the Persian advance by about four or five days, delay that gave others Greek long enough to be able to reorganize and recover, with everything, the more important was the remarkable example of courage and hope which gave the fallen all free Greeks. Despite seeing initially destroyed Sparta and Athens, Greeks would deal strict defeats the Persians at the battle of Salamis by sea, as in the struggle for land of Plataea. A second sea battle, Mycale, deal the final blow to the Persians, who thereafter would see their dreams of the West collapsed. With the victory, the Hellenes erected before the world as a great power world, while Persia would begin a slow decline that Alexander the great would end sealing to append the entire Empire.

The sacrifice of the Greeks also had wide implications in the Greece of antiquity. Such was his fame that until today is regarded as one of the highest examples of sacrifice to an impossible task, in which some few brave opposed the war machine more powerful known, and gave their lives fighting for their land, their honour and their freedom. It is one of the memorable, more decisive and more famous battles which witnessed the world, compares herself perhaps the Catalaunian fields, the site of Numancia, Cannae, the site of Cartagena de Indias, the battle of Kadesh, or more recently, the Normandy landings. That’s where lies its enormous importance and value.

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