Atrial Fibrillation

Closure of the atrial ear as an alternative to Blutgerinnungshemmern when blood flows too slowly through the body, the danger is that it coagulates and forms lumps. In turn these lumps can be transported for some time depending on the size through the blood vessel network, before it suddenly no longer goes for them, because they’re stuck because of their size. This is done in the most fine vessels to the brain, called common to a stroke. Depending on the region of the brain which supplies behind the lump now no longer sufficiently with blood, it can cause serious cases such as paralysis, speech impediments, etc.. The atrial fibrillation of the heart can cause make such clots (thrombus). The flickering namely blood not sufficiently quickly passing through the Atrium, so that it can come to a thrombus. Doctors at the University Hospital food now for a patient the Atrium so changed, that the risk of thrombus’ is banned. A drug used to inhibit blood clotting (about warfarin ), which is otherwise used against the risk of stroke, the patient could not take.

Doctors have performed the first in the Ruhr area heart catheter-guided closure of a so-called atrial ear thus. Read what it has to so and looks like the study location, in the detailed message:.. / atrial fibrillation… is a free and independent online health magazine for the Rheinland and Ruhr area and is published by a group of freelance journalist from the region. is a pure information portal (without any consulting activity!); the online magazine is financed exclusively through advertising. Contact: rrm Rhine RUHR MED Zeche Zollverein, Hall 10 Gelsenkirchener Strasse 181 45309 Essen phone + 49 (0) 201-7591340 M. Rabe

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