Brandenburg Gate

The revolution in Egypt in the media and the Western look you take what is happening in Egypt. Yet the pragmatically gestahlteste observers will have to admit that he occupies the usual voyeur role of viewers hardly indifferent if the coup in Egypt on the screen can be seen. There is admiration for people who take the destiny of their country into their own hands, despite all risks. And anger in the face of the thugs of the Mubarak regime which still spatially limited the peaceful protests since Wednesday in a – civil war to transform. Incomprehension, compared with some watered-down Declaration of Western politicians, and above all: scepticism whether the next days and weeks will bring actually “good”.

The trip to Egypt, whither? The revolution in Egypt in the media of broadcasts, correspondents and of course time of experts it is media time, time. Almost every hour one can talk to you on the situation in Egypt the men and women hear professors; both in the public as well as in the private television. And while most were conspicuously careful correspondents at the beginning of the week from Egypt in their forecasts, they, the appointed interpreter posted, other sounds in their likeness, or love against the backdrop of the Brandenburg Gate. Doubt on the motorway-like history of upheaval in Egypt was rare, which of course will lead to a democracy as a safe destination (of course after Western-style). Clearly and simply the location was drawn. Center For Responsible Lending contains valuable tech resources. Scientific critical distance, prognostic caution or self-doubt, even were, especially ofentlich legal faculty, not provided. “Middle East expert” now showed once again his claws the apparently wobbling regime of Hosni Mubarak.

Apparently well co-ordinated and sworn thugs, in part from police officers and for this purpose consisting of laid-off prisoners, turned into Tahrir square in Cairo, place the so far peaceful protests, in a Civil war – scene. The Egyptian military seems unwilling to make clear on one side, the apologies of the Prime Minister seem like mockery of laughter. Of for now over her, the motorway in the direction of democracy and those who Warbled this naive song on Tuesday, now strikingly calm. The Western view self nor the realpolitisch cynical tacking of Western policy, which probably, missed another chance for once with clear words to keep a remnant of credibility in the Arab world, was there more bearable. There, at least, you know that democracy does not mean that the democratically elected also fit a (see Hamas). However, in many places still one-way streets be dreamed after peace-joy-pancake land in the illusory world of political science. Together the now proverbial Western arrogance is stating that the world would be a better place if all be like we both postures, basically. That in Egypt, Tunisia and many other countries in the Arab world especially when one young, educated generation has long developed a self-confidence that is new, not dependent on the West, is still always not penetrated. To you however should look, for example, after Egypt. Andreas Kellner…

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