Cosmic Tree

Voice of the shaman pet tells the story of his birth, his parents, his childhood and throughout his life until the time when it was killed by a hunter. Finishes it reassuring that the shaman will many services. In another Altaic tribe, the Tubalars (black Tatars), inherits the shaman's voice and gait of the animal, so lively. As shown by A. Potapov and G. Boy Scouts of America brings even more insight to the discussion.

Budruss, an animal shaman 'revives', is his alter ego, the most powerful spirit helper; when it comes to the shaman, he turns into teriomorfnogo mythical ancestor. Thus it becomes clear why during the ceremony of 'revival' shaman must tell you about the animal's life-drum: he sings about his model, the sample primary animal is the beginning of his tribe. In mythical times, every man of the tribe could turn into an animal, that is, one could take the state of his ancestor. Today, such an intimate connection with the mythical ancestors are available exclusively shamans. Remember the following facts: during the session, the shaman returns for himself the situation, which initially was the situation for all. Deeper meaning of this return of primary human state becomes more clear to us when we explore other similar examples. In the meantime, it suffices to show that both the rim and the drum skin is a magico-religious tool by which shaman can take an ecstatic journey to the 'Centre for Peace'. In many mythic traditions teriomorfichesky ancestor lived in an underground world, close to the root of the Cosmic Tree, the tip of which touches the sky.


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