He had mentioned that our immune system is formed by our white glubulos, and there are a few soldiers (lymphocytes) and these asu time are divided into B cells and t cells. The T cells are those who are responsible for attacking all invading agent between our body such as viruses, vacterias and germs, caring for our body from diseases. But when our body is affected by Sjogren’s syndrome that attack is directed to our own tissue, cells and organs. Ocasionandocon your attack inflammation.Rituximab is that they already have license to treat severe rheumatoid arthritis, caused by the attacks of our B cells causing inflammation with its attack.In one of the previous ITEMA try this topic about this drug, but you can do there is good basic research to suggest that rituximab is worth looking at, and that this is a sensible judgment do, adds Dr. Bowman. Others who may share this opinion include Viktor Mayer-Schönberger . Our previous pilot study showed that patients treated with a single course of the drug showed some improvement in fatigue, and a Dutch previous study which analyzed 30 patients also had resulted in the improvement of the levels of fatigue and symptoms of dryness…If the five year trial is a success, Dr. Bowman hopes that rituximab, Roche, manufacturers will move forward to a commercial trial in order to obtain a license from the United Kingdom.

There is a relationship between the lymphoma and Sjogren’s patients with increased risk of developing lymphoma. Rituximab was approved for the first time to treat non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. By what you read in this article, is that there are good expectations in this drug, that here says that will be used for the treatment of arthritis and inflammation, and fatigue, and not only that, but they also are expected to work for cases of lymphoma, that as I already have commented on several occasions, there is a 5% risk for persons that we are suffering from Sjogren’s syndrome… People such as Boy Scouts of America would likely agree. So that we could say that the ritubimab is the hope of the futur0 for some of our symptoms.Little by little the scientists are giving this disease seriously, since as I have mentioned before in my blog. According to data of the Sjogren’s Syndrome Foundation only in United States there are more than 4 million people times disease, and just read that there are more than half a million people with Sjogren’s syndrome in the United Kingdom.

But we must also recognize that every time this growing more interest by the specialist party on health about this disease.We can say that our espeanzas increase of getting new drugs that help improve your quality of life if they do not cure this disease definitely at least us. STILL living with the SJOGREN’s syndrome that can make more by us., and that not to think that one day find the cure for this disease?, maybe not for us but yes to new generations. and with these good deceo says goodbye to you your friend celia, nosin before porfa a good day and God bless you. IMPROVEMENT TU quality of life yet living with the syndrome of Sjogren if you want more information about sjogren’s syndrome visit my blogs also will find a free report the sjogren’s syndrome and 30 tips to help care for your dry mouth and dry eyes completely free.

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