Suddeutsche Zeitung Takes Creative Position Of Debi Select Fund

University professor discusses benefits of shareholdings the Debi select group has specialized in investments in the field of factoring by life insurance and value paper credits. For one, she participates in companies that ensure a professional factoring value paper credits with a high credit rating and on the other hand buy receivables capital forming life insurance companies. Factoring is a versatile financial services, used in particular by medium-sized companies from industry, wholesale trade and services sector in growing volume. The services offered by factoring company includes revenue matching funding and full protection against bad debt losses (security) as well as the Debitorenmanagement(service). “In her herd” the Suddeutsche Zeitung picks up an essay of the renowned University Professor Dr. Karl-Georg Loritz, recently published in the journal of real estate research and practice. Steffan Lehnhoff has much to offer in this field. Then offer is through investments in closed-end funds the opportunity to escape from the fluctuations of the stock market and thanks to a fairly exact description of investment objects right in detail to know how to actually invest.

The so-called sales brochures, which would be more sophisticated in recent years were the basis for this. However, Loritz often missed a clear representation. Adopt one himself after Loritz the assumption, there is a closed-end Fund’s own asset class”. Rather this asset class would meet as far as the entrepreneurial idea, as ultimately could be invested in everything, what promises an attractive yield at an estimable risk. The closed-end funds is much more than a mostly tax driven investment thus now as, for example, the Debi select Fund.

Here, there is a sophisticated balance between risk and return on opportunity. Also, Loritz criticised the by him as such described initiators herd instinct. Stand behind it, that more and more initiators often even yet at the same time put on the same asset classes, unfortunately, sometimes, without understanding this well enough. The renowned scientists advise therefore to creativity and arrives here on the factoring Fund of the Landshuter Debi select group, which absorbs the Suddeutsche newspaper according to. Factoring functions of factoring donors as well as a kind of Zwischenfinanzierer for the factoring employees. Debi select factored through intermediary companies exclusively reliable ratings. So, the Debi select funds offer a Viennese business with a potential in the multiple hundreds of millions. Creativity brings liquidity “is also the intermediate headline of the Suddeutsche Zeitung. This statement right in multiple direction. For one, the possibility of factoring the Debi select provides both companies such as private individuals the chance, in the short term capital to get; on the other hand, the business model is very successful – a testament to the creativity that resulted in the Debi select Fund. For more information, see

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