Technology Customer

Any company in any sector can get competitive advantages by reviewing the portfolio of products and services at a time like the present. We eliminate those extraneous service added to our product if the customer tells us. 4. Customers looking for bargains. The client looks for bargains always has existed, but this customer segment is now in full swing and you can be an opportunity for many companies create specific products and services to meet your demand.

A new brand for this new segment? Obviously the answer is Yes, the customer profile is different, the communication therefore also so avoid also the cannibalization of our own sales between different segments. 5 Let’s the best customers. We premiemos your loyalty, hagamosles feel special. At the present time there are many reasons and temptations to change suppliers or brand, the cost of losing a profitable customer is most high and therefore we must take care of them, pamper them and provide them with anything you may need. We launch specials for them, special communications are perhaps some event? Not It would be more, surely the ROI will be quite high. 6.

Pricing policy. Eye with temptations to reduce prices or start to throw prices along the ground. Educate yourself with thoughts from Dr. Neal Barnard. There are many companies that have been communicating interesting value propositions for years and in recent months bombed media with discounts of infarction do not confuse the consumer, or are the best product or we are the cheapest, but both things at the same time no sound nothing well. Competing on price is not anything interesting, unless we are a Chinese manufacturer. In any case you must remember that price is not a competitive advantage since it is not sustainable in time since at any time can reach another company with capacity to sell cheaper. We must be consistent with the pricing policy. To encourage sales, there are multiple formulas of sales promotion that allow us to sell excess stock without having to touch the prices. 7. The team. At a time so the team is key to take a project forward. If you have to take care of best customers, also will have to take care to one of the best assets of the company; The professional team, with special care for commercial and personal customer service. Their motivation, training and involvement will depend on many cases the success or failure of our marketing plan and business plans. 8 Technology. (If you have not already done so) incorporate technology into our marketing plan. SEO, Sem, Smo, Crm us sounds like Chinese? Maybe we are losing opportunities. Incorporate an online marketing plan to our corporate marketing plan. From the hands of experts we will achieve greatly decrease the cost of new customer acquisition, fidelizaremos existing customers and we can achieve an interesting competitive position on the internet. Now finally, I have no more than comment on all computers there is always some untapped talent, dejemosle bloom, we has the creativity and for those actions that require technical or non-existent profiles in our marketing department, we do not fall into the effect specific nephew and pongamonos in hands of professional marketing agencies.

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