The Reception

But this is only a preliminary scheme – how it works for many but not all. There are lots of exceptions, does not allow to use this technique without control results. One of the examples – have left-handers often seen the opposite position. Boy Scouts contains valuable tech resources. And we need reliable data. What are we doing to adapt this method to a particular interlocutor? That's right, ask questions to which answers must call exactly that the reaction we want to learn to identify with this particular person. We want to know exactly how our interlocutor accesses information in their visual memory? Here are examples of such questions: in your company where you previously worked, had an office with separate entrance, or it was a room in the business center? Your former manager was young? You like how you have met us at the reception? You'll quickly find us? And so on.

Recollection of Heard monitored in a similar way: remember, we talked previously on the telephone and so on. To test how accurately we tracked the reaction of memories, we can offer something the other party imagine – and estimate how unlike the memory looks like a fantasy. Here are examples of questions in order to bring about the desired involuntary reaction: How would you like to look your workplace? And so on. Done, now we can proceed to the interview – and we will know exactly when the candidate says what he actually did at the same workplace, and when – embellishes his exploits and tells you that he wanted to be in his biography, but actually different from real life.


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