Tripartite Foundation

Wall Street Institute, multinational leader in multimedia teaching of English for adults, meets the requirements of the tripartite Foundation to receive bonuses. These are aid for all the companies who perform training courses and that let you receive a bonus for all or part of the cost of the course. Every company has assigned annual credit that can invest in training, to then access the bonuses in the form of discounts in the Social security contributions. Depending on the cases, the bonuses can reach 100% of the costs of the budget invested in the training. Requirements that must meet any company to gain access to these bonuses are be informed of their obligations with Social Security and the tax agency and have not exhausted your annual training credit. Courses should last a minimum of 6 hours, students must be contracted occupationally and quote in the General Social security scheme and assistance should be of at least 75% of the duration of the course. The Tripartite Foundation for training in employment, belonging to the State Public Sector, is one of the bodies that make up the organizational structure and institutional participation of the subsystem of vocational training for employment.

Their responsibilities are developed within the framework of the Royal Decree 395/2007 of 23 March regulating the subsystem of vocational training for employment. In this sense, the training actions for companies are that companies plan and manage for their workers; they are used for financing the amount for training that is assigned to each company depending on your template. The companies have a credit to finance the training of their workers whose amount is obtained by applying to the amount entered for each company the previous year, vocational training, the percentage that is annually set dues, explains Jose Pessoa, director of business development of Wall Street Institute. The particular method of teaching mixed (blended learning) offered by Wall Street Institute, it encompasses the advantages and disciplines in the classroom with the flexibility and added value of multimedia, which allows the student to study at any place and time in his own platform English Anytime. More than two million people have successfully completed their process of learning around the world.

From the beginner level to the more advanced in this school are prepared courses adapted to any need, to be able to learn English to the pace of each student: English for beginners, user level, advanced, English for business, etc. Wall Street Institute was created in 1972 in response to the enormous potential of the business of the teaching of English language, both for the purpose of teaching for professional reasons as personal. Initially released in Italy, quickly expanded their English language learning centers to Switzerland and Spain, later expanding to other countries.


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