Strategical Organization

Now, the responsible people for the organizations need to know to use the beneficial ones of a conscientious strategical remuneration, and that, she serves of instrument to provoke motivadoras reactions that transform the attitudes and behaviors of professionals of all company. To know you reward that them they are gears that make with that the people can demonstrate its potential all, knowing themselves that it will have times that nor all they go to demonstrate to such behaviors due the sazonalidade of the motivations, all have its good days and bad, this occurs independently of the strategies adopted for the organization. To be strategical is not only to make what it expects, this is known as the obvious one. To be strategical requires a little more than mental effort, is to extract the possible of the human resources of the form company, repaying joust and lined up maximum to the process that gave origin to the gotten results. If daily pay cannot judge that the people always will go to generate resulted shining, this is, to wait that the employee always will produce in its maximum capacity. Through actions directed for people (people or positions) specific, it can be gotten much more, instead of generalizing stock issued for services for all personal. The motivation for work is not synonymous of financial recognition, is about a set of factors to be adopted in order to reach to all, therefore the wage increase alone motivates the employee in the first months, later the value of this increase already is not more recognized for incorporating in the necessities of this collaborator. It is common to think that a simple strategical introduction of recognition goes to reach to all with the same intensity, what it is a pure deceit, does not know which is the individual objectives, its desires, its dreams. It is clearly that the organization does not go to transform individual dreams, desires and objectives in reality, but can introduce tools capable to associate the organizacionais objectives to the individual ones.


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