Humanitarian Foundation

It is home where deferred payment a family consisting of many members. The main objective of this project was to know the children and to help them to know it they same. The used resources had been material pertaining to school. what it generated the project was the will to know and to help of some form the children taken care of for the foundation. Concepts on identity had been taught for the children and these had taught lies of shelter, love, affection, among others.

Name of the place of the practical one of period of training: Humanitarian foundation Eurpedes Barsanulfo Address: Street Seven of September Number: 170 Complement: – City: Goianazes MG (District of Capetinga MG) Number of the CNPJ: 20.946.323/0001-80 Telephone: (35) 3543-1297 Responsible one for the trainee: Appeared Cacilda Hisses Formation of the responsible one for the trainee: incomplete superior email of the responsible one for the trainee: Sector: day-care center Turn: vespertine Number of participants: 15 Period of period of training: 24-10-2011 the 25-11-2011 Director of the responsible school for the not pertaining to school environment: Irene de Pink Jesus Freitas 2.4. CONTEXT OF the AMBIENTE/PROJETO the project ‘ ‘ Who am I? ‘ ‘ he was placed in practical in the day-care center of the Humanitarian Foundation Eurpedes Barsanulfo. The day-care center has only one group with fifteen children, being seven girls and eight boys. They are children comings of low income families. One of the boys deferred payment in the proper foundation. The other children live with its responsible parents or.

The day-care center is the only one in the city of Goianazes (that it is district of the city of Capetinga-Mg). It is a typical city of the interior of Minas Gerais. Goianazes has 1000 inhabitants more or less. In Capetinga it also has a day-care center.


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