Attention Whales

Porpoise sightings please sign! High-tech Belauschung with click detectors. March 31, 2010 ask district Wesermarsch Munich society for the rescue of the dolphins and the nature conservation agency this year again to messages from porpoise sightings. Since 2007, a total of 118 harbour porpoises have been reported while 66 sightings into the Weser. The small dolphins are usually traveling alone (62% of all sightings), sometimes they swim together (27%), occasionally there was even observations of large groups with up to 8 animals. Especially in the Blexer arc between Bremerhaven and Nordenham and brake, the marine mammals were reported frequently. Some of the small whales with blunt snout and triangular back fin swim but also to Bremen. Good observation opportunities exist by the end of March until the end of may, after the porpoise disappear from the river Weser.

Now should be examined more closely, where she prefers staying and why. The company needed the support of all those who are traveling on or on the river Weser to save dolphins and a bit Leisure and interest have to mostly difficult to gaze at the educator marine mammals. A registration form can be downloaded from the website of the Association ( can enlist the sighting data and for more information about the detection. In addition to the sighting reporting program, which depends on the number of volunteer observers and good luck, today two click detectors (C pod) in the fairway of the Weser installs, which should record the ultrasonic sounds of harbour porpoises and some more on the spatio temporal distribution and possibly shed light the purpose of the visit. It will swim suspected that the small dolphins follow schools of fish to spawn from the North Sea into the Weser.

In the EMS, jade and Elbe harbour porpoises have been spotted in recent years increasingly, as well as along the entire lower Saxon and Dutch coast. Each sighting report is valuable and helps to determine the Habitat of porpoises and so targeted to contribute to their protection. As a precautionary measure are asked powerboat driver, ensure that harbour porpoises to renounce, because there is a risk of collision with the small whales and those by the caused high waves can strand at high speeds in riparian areas. Repeatedly, walkers were dry this animals, some could be rescued and in good time in the water and brought back. The project is supported by the Deutsche Umwelthilfe. Denise Wenger photos and further information available at: rescue the dolphins e.V., Denise Wenger nugget wegern str. 37. 81375 Munich Tel.: 089-7416 0410 Fax: 089-7416 0411 E-Mail: / Internet:

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