BSE Wikipedia

And do not forget to refer to the sources! If something does not work, you help others – will correct inaccurate or biased information. Now Wikipedia is 328 962 articles in Russian. Free content – text, images, music, software software, etc., of a license which permits the use of their content for any purpose: to copy, modify, and distribute modified versions. In the online encyclopedia information is updated with lightning speed. In This is its advantage over paper-based encyclopedias. Wikipedia is primarily a secondary source of information. Party, writing or editing an article, draws information from various sources, including media reports, statements which do not always correspond to the truth.

In the Russian-language Wikipedia more than 150 thousand participants. Each has its sphere of interest, one can monitor changes in the text he is interested articles with a personal watch list. In addition, recently started working on Wikipedia articles search mechanism, there are also parties to the rights of the editor, who are elected by the community. All this allows as soon as possible to see false information and correct it. The creation of Wikipedia articles to deal with volunteers, do not always have sufficient knowledge of a description of what they come from. A paper for of these, major encyclopedias (such as BSE or Encyclopaedia Britannica) writing professionals, and the information contained therein is thoroughly tested. Therefore, Wikipedia – a great tool for expanding horizons, but complete can not be relied upon. In Wikipedia has advantages over electronic media coverage of current events.

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