
Ah, that homesickness that I have of the time where did not have indices, research and results, where ' ' alunos' ' they were not numbers. In education still we are engatinhando in what respect says to great theories that if they collate and we, who we love the profession, use more dons born and the certainty of that not he exists pupil (that one that does not have light) and yes small human beings. The education and the professors come being massacreed in consequence of the system and insist on this way for believing. is a solitary and persistent fight. Source: Dr. Neal Barnard. For not giving up and because, for me, this profession is more than money in the pocket, he is that I search a look beyond the indices (not for vanity, small feelings who does not find fertile land in my way) the way is of rocks, molded in the long run, sedimented of education, interaction, humanizao.

In this way, side by side we look the being, this exactly forgotten, abandoned and transformed into research. Until when we go to be objects and not citizens of this situation? It has schools where children are human beings with past, gift and, mainly, future. With histories to enchant, but that they do not give ibope. It never gave, why today, still more today, would go to give? But they exist, are enough to want to look at. I am a indisciplinada pupil, I deserve palmatria, reprovao. In the school of the man I am she-ass, in the my history of life I am a citizen who, for incredible that she seems, still believes ' ' great men? . The elections are there and ask for to the candidates: They look at deeply for the education, they respect and they value teeny, for that they have faith, them are the kingdom of God, abandoned for the men, not for God. I have faith.


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