Internet Discountings

TIPS Welinton Dos Santos is economist With 13 Wage appears some chances, since placing accounts in day until purchases with discountings or same it plans to travel, here some tips go to increase its income and to have economy. One remembers that it has the planning necessity, therefore, places in the paper everything that it desires in fact to acquire in the year end, to prevent unnecessary expenses and to blow up the budget. 1) For who this has debts is the moment to renegotiate them, part discountings, mainly for old accounts, cries, cries, after to receive the last value, does not close the transaction, says that it goes to think and it makes against proposal with value that fits in its budget. If to opt to well-taken care of parcelamento with the accounts of beginning of year. > 2) To that they do not have debts, exists some suggestions, as: to keep a part for the extra expenses of January, where it has the accumulation of IPVA, IPTU, pertaining to school material, other diverse taxes, collect the classroom entities, amongst others, therefore, to reserve part of the resources to prevent the burst in the budget in the first trimester is advisable.

3) To anticipate purchases of year end, searching and requesting discountings in all the products that are not perishable, in the case of purchases of furniture, utensils, equipment, household-electric, others, remembering the famous research of prices and important to request discountings, to catch some pamphlets, to compare prices between competitors, also to search in the Internet and to opt to optimum value, in the best financial condition, remembers that products in some payments without interests, always have discountings at sight. It also verifies exists price difference stops payments with debit card or the money, thus will be able to save a little more. 4) To plan a trip, how much before it will be made aerial reserves of hotels and tickets, greater will be the discounting, therefore it is programmed and it makes its money to relieve more. 5) To invest in training in this period is interesting, therefore, with the reduction of the search for courses in the year end has the possibility to negotiate better taxes, exactly that it makes the course in elapsing of the next year, obtaining good discounting. 6) not to forget them parties year end, the suggestion is anticipatedly to buy some gifts, dry fruits, drinks and etc. 7) With the easiness of the credit is possible to acquire that machine of dreams and to start its business, but remember that it is necessary disciplines, knowledge of market and much force of will to initiate a new activity, many times, parallel to the work that already it executes at this moment to get information of agencies as the SEBRAE is very important. It looks for to always have patience in the hour to buy. Good purchases!


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