Legal Acts

"However, the effects ones may or may not be liked by the agent. Lawful acts undesirable effect are those that express intention produce no legal effect. Ej.el treasure trove. The wanted effect lawful acts are legal acts are legal documents. They are voluntary human acts that produce legal effects in accordance with the legal system. Its elements are: A man capable beloved action, a legal system to accept and legal consequences "for the unlawful voluntary acts are those in which legal consequences not intended by the framers of voluntary behavior and that the right attributes as response to the realization of one's own wrongful conduct. Also notes that a key feature of the facts is illegal volunteers consist of behaviors that contravene the rules of law, and that is why it has been always been talking about the wrongful act, with all the difficulties that always has brought a modern and define the concept of illegality or unlawfulness on legal facts. A more detailed discussion-about-what doctors do and TABOADA POLO FLORES CoRDOVA when they agree that illegal acts are against the rules of substantive law.

In one opinion Cabanellas. The doctrine stipulates that the constituent elements of tort are mainly: 1. Unlawfulness, 2. Imputab ylidene. The first is a strictly objective element and is usually manifested by an apparent prejudice against a legal or material interest. The second is eminently subjective and manifests the intent or fault. To distinguish the lawful from the unlawful take, according to the generality of the authors, the legal order, that is the positive law of a country, as a reference point.

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