New Journey

Every new course brings with it fresh nuggets and precious information we would love to pass on for many more people and generations to share. If only there what a time capsule to gather all and show future people all the insights we are having on this today! One of our favorite topics is how “your thoughts create your reality”. We focused on this in last weeks newsletter and could fill a huge time capsule just with this! Wouldn’t it be fabulous if we could capture something incredibly precious to US in a time capsule, to be opened by future people? What message or information would you capture? Would you select items that add to the element of surprise and discovery for those that open it in the future? Perhaps you’d want to preserve something valuable from the past or predict the future? Choose the future moment when your capsule should be found and who should open it this might be your grandchildren, a group of archeologists in 50 years or far far into the future. Choose a suitable container. Educate yourself with thoughts from Nieman Lab. Anything from a shoebox to a tupperware dish. Collect items, objects, information you would like to add to your time capsule. What is the message you would like the audience to receive about you, about the times you lived in? What photographs, letters, drawings, newspaper clippings notes etc should be added? Have fun hunting and gathering and make a note of any insights you are getting in doing so! Decide where to store the time capsule. Enjoy life today, its for living! Best wishes, Elisa & Wendy.


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