Psychology Promotion

Lednalva Oliveira Lamb Baptist Summary the present Project of psychopedagogic research is part of the estimated one of that the action of would parceiria psicopedaggica fonoaudiolgica carried through in the school it is determined by different profiles of performance, amongst them what it aims at to the promotion of the physical and mental health. Of this form, objective of this work is to verify which is the actions carried through for the fonoaudilogos, in order to inquire the relation (or not) with the assessorship proposal entailed pertaining to school to the idea of promotion of the learning inside of the boarding of the arteterapia. For in such a way, three fonoaudilogas had been interviewed, and the analysis of data promoted the verification of different atreladas actions the distinct profiles of performance. The gotten results point with respect to the existence of some entailed proposals to the notion of promotion of the learning. Word-key: Fonoaudiologia; Psicopedagogia, arteterapia and learning.

promoting learning within the art therapyapproach.You this end, we interviewed three speech therapists, and dates analysispromoted the verification of different actions tied you distinct profiles of action.Several The results obtained indicate the existence of proposals related you the notion of promoting learning. Keywords:Speech Therapy, Psychology, Art Therapy and learning. Introduction. The objective of the research was to analyze the relevancy of the use of the arteterapia in> fonoaudiolgico work, with sights to the communicative whitewashing and the rescue of the pupils as interlocutors capable to circulate for some situations and contexts discursivos, over all if heard in its necessities and validated in the condition of citizens. The arteterapia operates by means of the aesthetic expression as device to help the citizens in the elaboration, the expression and the equacionamento of its conflicts. Its joint with the fonoaudiologia, in the handling with relationary and subjective dimensions, potencializou the work with the language and the communication of the participants of the research, extending dialgicas and interacionais possibilities.


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