Social Assistant Groups

Still for Iamamoto and Carvalho (2009, p 114) the social assistant acts in the social field from particular aspects of the situation of life of the diligent classroom, relative the health, housing, education, familiar relations, urban infrastructure etc. Is from these concrete expressions of the social relations in daily of the life of the individuals and the groups that professional effective its intervention. According to Carvalho and Netto (2005, P. 51, 52) the Social Assistant acts in the daily one of the oppressed social groups, introducing, most of the time, exactly under the roupagem of a revolutionary action, the progress, the comfort, with proper ends in itself. They still affirm the authors who practical the social one has its social origin in the natural search of subsistence and existence in society accomplished for individuals and groups. These elaborate and carry through one practical social one been born of its possibilities of understanding and intervention in the reality with sights to the satisfaction fullest of its necessities and motivations, affirming that ' ' the practical present movement to the social one is expression of ' ' to come ser' ' constant of this practical and the citizens that in it interagem' ' (2005, p.58).

It is therefore that the practical duty to be of the social one is in dispute. It does not have only ' ' to have ser' '. For Carvalho and Netto (2005, pag.51 and 52), the Social Assistant is one of the privileged mediators in the relation between population dominated, oppressed or excluded and the State. The Social Service is a profession that has singular characteristics. It does not act on an only necessity human being, nor neither destines to all the men of a society, without distinction of income or classroom. Its especificidade is in the fact to act on all the necessities one human beings given social classroom, that is, that one formed by the pauperizados or excluded subordinate groups of the goods, services and wealth of this our society.


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