Visual Health

Performance of the statutory health insurance has been shrinking in decades, markedly rising posts / private health insurance services guaranteed lifetime fee, co-payments for medicines, treatments in the hospital or Dental restorations, no grants for AIDS: again and again, statutory health insurance benefits has been restricted in recent years. Different in the private health insurance: once contracted services are guaranteed to last a lifetime – neither lawmakers nor insurers can shorten it or delete. Point out the private insurers of the Versicherungskammer Bayern (Bavarian officials Krankenkasse AG, Union health insurance AG). Since 1989 was engaged in the legislature usually every four years the statutory health insurance and reform this branch of social security\”, says Manuela Kiechle, Board member of Bavarian officials Krankenkasse AG and Union health insurance AG. But whether health reform law (1989), statutory health insurance modernisation Act (2004) or this now Statutory health insurance competition strengthening law one all the reforms had in common: you cut services or resulted in higher contributions. Statutory health insurance: Declining services – rising contributions so got new glasses, which changed the Visual acuity to at least 0.5 dioptres; from 1989 is the at the same time, tooth replacement only to 50 up to a maximum was funded 60 percent. 1997 higher equity participation for in-patient treatments and hospital stays were set 2004 cancelled the death benefit and at the same time the practice fee introduced – it costs 10 euro legally insured since lump sum per quarter, claiming a doctor; Prevention and checkups.

During the same period, the maximum monthly contribution to the statutory health insurance of 301,75 euros but rose to 536,40 euros. And 2009 there will be considerably more expensive: expected a maximum contribution to the 600 euros. This is due to three factors: the contribution rate increased on the one hand since 1989. At that time it stood at 12.9%, the contribution rate is 15.5 per cent in 2009. .

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