Konrad Adenauer Foundation

There are common denominators of exploration in these methodologies to determine the attributes of democracy: the quality of government services called “the electoral operation, the operation of political parties, relations between the executive and legislative branches and processes decentralization. “(4) But how to link these important aspects of a democracy with poverty and its impact on members of a society-country? And above, is there a relationship between both concepts? The answers to these questions may be evident in the exploration of some of the indicators.

The IDD – Konrad Adenauer Foundation, considered as constituted four dimensions, where the last of this set corresponds to the effective exercise to rule on two sub-domains on capabilities develop policies that ensure the welfare and economic efficiency. In this fourth dimension, including , Among others, for the construction of the indicator: – unemployment – households below poverty line – Infant Mortality – the% of GDP spending on health, education and investment – secondary enrollment – GDP per capita – the gap Much of this income parameters in developing countries, conclude in the inability of democratic regimes to ensure the welfare of its own citizens forming How can democratic governance if democracy does not solve the problem of poverty? The IDEA (Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance), gestated and raised in Sweden for more than fourteen countries in 2000 made a forum titled “Democracy and Poverty,” a missing link? “(5). In this forum, Bengt-Soderbergh Save, Secretary General of International IDEA, enacted: “Poverty exists in developed countries with a long history of democratic government. .

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