Natural Human Sciences

The intention is that the work occurs of integrated form, at the same time where the especificidades of the sources, boardings and approach happened of the different fields of sciences are respected natural human beings and. Definitive CHAINS pertinent contents to the areas of Sciences Natural Human beings and had always been gifts in the composition of the resumes and programs of infantile education. In the majority of the institutions, these contents are related to the preparation of the pupils for the posterior years of its escolaridade, as in the case of the work come back toward the motor development and of habits and attitudes, in which the acquisition of procedures is basic as to copy, to repeat to color previous productions (drawings, exercises etc.). In the work with the referring contents to Natural Sciences, in turn, some institutions limit it the transmission of certain slight knowledge related to the beings livings creature and the human body. Disrespecting the knowledge and the ideas that the pupils already possess, they value the terminology use technique, what it can constitute a not significant formalizao of contents for the pupils. An example of this is the definitions taught deformed descontextualizadas on the diverse animals: ‘ ‘ they are mamferos’ ‘ or ‘ ‘ they are anfbios’ ‘ etc., and the activities to classify animals and plants according to categories defined for zoology and biology.

The possibility of the children is disrespected thus to display its formularizations for later compares them with that science considers. Some practical also if base on activities directed toward a moralizante formation, as in the case of the reinforcement the certainties attitudes related to the health and the hygiene. Many times in these situations predominate values, esteretipos and concepts of certain/wrong, dirty, bad wire/pretty, clean//good etc., that are defined and transmitted in prejudiced way.


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