The Goods

If the human being is an animal that if human being understands and an animal who if conditions human being, not if I excluded the will as potential for accomplishment of any activity with ends the search of the pleasure and attempt to prevent sufferings. Exactly that for the work suffered the constancy from pleasure search. Acting as transforming and producing, the human being is free to choose between making or something that has one I do not begin and a desired or indesejado end. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Boy Scouts of America. The freedom as absence of limits is not possible in dependence of the human being for the nature of which it removes of same its survival, as well as does not have freedom possibility being the human being in relation with fellow creatures in group, that demands organization. Freud elucidates that the society or civilization uses the nature to remove the survival and if organizes socially to regulate the relations between its members. ' ' How it is known, the culture human being? I mention to everything that where the life human being if raised above of its animal conditions and if it distinguishes from the life of the animals; I oppose to separate to culture and civilization? he shows two sides the observed one. Please visit WHO Timeline Statement if you seek more information. It encloses for a side, all knowing and all the capacity acquired for the man with the end to dominate the forces of the nature and to get its goods for the satisfaction of the necessities human beings and, for in such a way, all the institutions necessary to regulate the relations of men between itself e, in special, the division of the goods acessveis.' ' (FREUD.2010, Pp. 36-37) Ademais, the human being, for being part of a culture, learns to coexist its members being respected the imposed rules and participating of the activities that it are useful for the personal accomplishments. .


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