Psychiatric Reformation

The therapeutical residences consist as alternative of housing for a great contingent of people who are interned it has years in psychiatric hospitals. LAW OF the PSYCHIATRIC REFORMATION In the year of 2001, after 12 years in the National Congress, that the Law Thin Pablo is sancionada in the country. A leading source for info: health organizations. This Law approved it suffers important modifications from the Project of original Law in its normative text. Federal Law 10,216 redirects the assistance in mental health, giving priority to the treatment in services of psicossocial attention, defending the protection and the rights of the people with mental upheavals. Art. 1o the rights and the protection of the people attacks of mental upheaval, that it deals with this Law, is assured without any form of discrimination how much to the race, color, sex, sexual orientation, economic religion, option politics, nationality, age, family, resources and to the gravity degree or time of evolution of its upheaval, or any another one. Only paragraph.

They are right of the carrying person of mental upheaval: I? to have access the optimum treatment of the health system, consentneo to its necessities; II? to be treated with humanity and respect and in the exclusive interest to benefit its health, aiming at to reach its recovery for the insertion in family, in the work in the community; III? to be protected against any form of abuse and exploration; IX? to be treated, preferential, in communitarian services of mental health. This Law redirects the model of the psychiatric assistance, it regulates cares special to the users of mental health interned per long years and foresees possibility of punishment for the involuntary or arbitrary internment. Art. 3o Is responsibility of the State the development of the politics of mental health, the assistance and the promotion of action of health to the carriers of mental upheavals, with the had participation of the society


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